Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Literature review: learning on the internet

Literature review: learning on the internet RESTRICTED CHAPTER TWO LITREATURE REVIEW LITERATURE ON THE SUBJECT 1.Internet is an important tool in the modern day context. All searches pertaining to any kind of search to are within the finger tips. There by it has become a topic for researchers to research and write the thesis on covering various aspect of the internet. Saunders says that a thorough understanding of, and insight into, previous research that relates to a project is essential for the quality of the study, this usually being achieved by means of critically reviewing the extant literature1 2.My literature review of research will be based on publications such as subject related text books .E books, articles, journals, periodicals, projects proposals and unpublished thesis, pamphlets, completed reports and other available literature information resources already published by external authors on the respective subject area. According Timothy and Ellis they state that the literature review should be structured in following stages. So that I have used this model in order to sequence my literature review.2 On the attributes of a critical literature review Saunders, Mark N. K.1 Rojon, Cà ©line21School of Management, University of Surrey, Guildford, GU2 7XH, United Kingdom;2Department of Psychology School of Management, University of Surrey,Guildford, GU2 7XHUnited Kingdom Achieved by means of critically reviewing the extant literature.1 2A Systems Approach to Conduct anEffective Literature Review in Support of Information Systems Research Yair Levy and Timothy J. Ellis Graduate School of Computer and Information Sciences,Nova Southeastern University, Florida, USA INTRODUCTION TO THE INTERNET 3.There are plenty of definition can be find on what internet and this what the oxford dictionary says â€Å"A global computer network providing a variety of information and communication facilities, consisting of interconnected networks using standardized communication protocols†. The definition itself brings out what it exactly does and also it describes under which conditions it should use. According to Linux information project on 2005 describes it as a network that is composed of a number of smaller computer networks which connects thousands of networks and hundreds of millions of computers throughout the world. It shows that no barriers on using the internet for any kind of a user for the benefit of him or for his organization. 4.The internet is a unique collection of networks, or a network of networks, that was made possible by scientists with vision to implement a compatible communication standard. These standards’ allow computers built by a variety of manufacturers running on different operating systems to exchange data. The internet, therefore, is able to facilitate the sharing of resources among participating organizations, which include government agencies, educational institutions, and private corporations.3 HISTORY AND EVOLUTION OF INTERNET 5.The Internet has revolutionized the computer and communications world like nothing before. The invention of the telegraph, telephone, radio, and computer set the stage for this unprecedented integration of capabilities. The Internet is at once a world-wide broadcasting capability, a mechanism for information dissemination, and a medium for collaboration and interaction between individuals and their computers without regard for geographic location. The Internet represents one of the most successful examples of the benefits of sustained investment and commitment to research and development of information infrastructure. Beginning with the early research in packet switching, the government, industry and academia have been partners in evolving and deploying this exciting new technology4 6.The history of the Internet begins with the development of electronic computers in the 1950s. Initial concepts of packet networking originated in several computer science laboratories in the United States, Great Britain, and France. The US Department of Defense awarded contracts as early as the 1960s for packet network systems, including the development of the  ARPANET(which would become the first network to use the  Internet Protocol.) The first message was sent over the ARPANET from computer science Professor Leonard Kleinrocks laboratory at  University of California, Los Angeles(UCLA) to the second network node at  Stanford Research Institute(SRI)4. 7. Access to the ARPANET was expanded in 1981 when theNational Science Foundation(NSF) funded theComputer Science Network (CSNET). In 1982, theInternet protocol suite(TCP/IP) was introduced as the standard networking protocol on the ARPANET. In the early 1980s the NSF funded the establishment for national supercomputing centers at several universities, and provided interconnectivity in 1986 with theNSFNETproject, which also created network access to thesupercomputersites in the United States from research and education organizations. CommercialInternet service providers(ISPs) began to emerge in the late 1980s. The ARPANET was decommissioned in 1990. Private connections to the Internet by commercial entities became widespread quickly, and the NSFNET was decommissioned in 1995, removing the last restrictions on the use of the Internet to carry commercial traffic4. 8.Since the mid-1990s, the Internet has had a revolutionary impact on culture and commerce, including the rise of near-instant communication byelectronic mail,instant messaging,voice over Internet Protocol(VoIP) telephone calls,two-way interactive video calls, and theWorld Wide Webwith itsdiscussion forums,blogs,social networking, andonline shoppingsites. The research and education community continues to develop and use advanced networks such as NSFsvery high speed Backbone Network Service (vBNS),Internet2, andNational LambdaRail. Increasing amounts of data are transmitted at higher and higher ___________________________________________ exploring the internet by Clive C. Sanford 4http://www.internetsociety.org/internet/what-internet/history-internet/brief-history-internet#Origins(accesed on 03 march 2014) speeds over fiber optic networks operating at 1-Gbit/s, 10-Gbit/s, or more. The Internets takeover of the global communication landscape was almost instant in historical terms: it only communicated 1% of the information flowing through two-waytelecommunicationsnetworks in the year 1993, already 51% by 2000, and more than 97% of the telecommunicated information by 2007.[1]Today the Internet continues to grow, driven by ever greater amounts of online information, commerce, entertainment, andsocial networking4. 9.The Internet has revolutionized the computer and communications world like nothing before. The invention of the telegraph, telephone, radio, and computer set the stage for this unprecedented integration of capabilities. The Internet is at once a world-wide broadcasting capability, a mechanism for information dissemination, and a medium for collaboration and interaction between individuals and their computers without regard for geographic location.3 10. The graph below shows how the expansion of internet from 1996 to 2014. Sri Lanka as a developing country 31mpeople out of hundred use intenet accordind to the cences given by the international telecomunucation union. Internet users per 100 inhabitants Source:International Telecommunications Union POSITIVE IMPACT OF THE INTERNET POSITIVE IMPACT OF THE INTERNET 11.Educational achievement is perhaps of secondary importance to many of the children; however, it too seems to be a real advantage. From 10 years of age onwards, there is a pressure from school to get the internet and a sense that access to the internet allows the willing student to attain a higher quality of extra information relevant to the subjects.4 12.This research suggest that it also has a role re-engaging some of the educationally disengaged, as they enjoy the control and fun of working with a PC. It can also enable the academically able to find more relevant information and research more effectively. For some though, who are not particularly interested in schoolwork, they remain uninterested whether they have internet access or not. 13.Research about the Internet generally has focused on social effects, such as psychological well-being; for instance, children are more likely to use the internet when they feel lonely. A study by Michigan State University has found that the internet has had a positive effect on reading but not mathematics. One explanation is the internet is a text rich environment with fewer opportunities to foster mathematics or science skills; however, both the Internet and children are changing. Students increasingly use visualization, which can relate to mathematics and science as much as creative writing.4 14.The internet can facilitate a game like learning environment, which is highly motivating and interesting to students. Unlike in traditional classrooms, students do not sit across from the teacher, hold a textbook, and take a final exam. Instead, they can explore new information on the internet like a game combining both the learning journey and entertainment. More research is needed in this area as additional online games are built specifically for history, mathematics and science. Gaming has the potential to have a different kind of cognitive impact than traditional learning. 15.The internet’s is more exciting and challenging as a research environment than earlier media because it is a complex virtual, social and physical world that school children participate and co-construct, rather than something that is merely watched TV or PC. It becomes a complex virtual universe behind a small screen on which developmental issues play out in old and new ways, offering new views in to the thoughts, feelings and behaviours of schoolchildren’s. This universe will continue to expand as web-connected cell phones and other new internet applications emerge. Thus, existing theoretical models, research programmes and methodological techniques in developmental psychology are both challenged and stimulated by interactions between youth and the internet.5 16.According to the research done by three Japan universities regarding â€Å"Children and the Internet in Japan†, they identified that junior high school students enrolled in the school that use the internet had higher skills for practical use of information compared to students in the school that did not use the internet in its classes. This indicates that internet use in school activities helped in increasing the ability of students to use information practically. In this research, they proposed that â€Å"skills for practical use of information† are composed of six sub skills, namely, skill of collections, the skill of judgment, the skill of expression, the skill of processing, the skill of creation, and the skill of communication. In terms of these skills, students in the school that used the internet in its classes had particularly better skills of collection, judgment, expression, processing and communication compared to the students enrolled in the school that d id not use the Internet in its classes.5 17.Students possibly will feel bored if they only study from textbook day by day. That is why internet can be good alternative media to improve students’ motivation in studying. By using internet as a learning media, students can see relevant pictures or animations, which are related to lesson. Based on some reliable researches, students’ motivation in studying can increase fast if teachers or lectures use pictures or animations in explaining lesson.5 2-1 RESTRICTED Unethical Act Among Contractors: Class F in Selangor Unethical Act Among Contractors: Class F in Selangor 1.0 INTRODUCTION Contractors are the independent entity that agree to construct certain number or quantity of goods, material, equipment personnel ,or services that meet the requirement of specifications at a mutually price with a specific timeframe with another independent entity call contractee or project owner (Oxford Times). All contractors are rated Class F are Bumiputera. According to Article (160(2)) the concept of a bumiputra ethnic group in Malaysia was coined by activist Tunku Abdul Rahman. It recognized the special position of the Malays provided in the Federal Constitution of Malaysia, in particular Article 153. But, the constitution does not use the term bumiputra; it defines only Malay and aborigine (Article 160(2)).This means that the contractor is Class F Bumiputera contractors and do not need to apply for Recognition of Bumiputera. According to PKK (Pusat Khidmat Kontractor) until 26th June 2010 there are 4210 registered class F contractors in Selangor. A countrys economic system, irrespective construction industry plays a role in, construction industry plays a substantial role in a countrys national economic system (Zantanidis Tsiotras, 1998). Indeed, this sector is an important employer of a nations workforce as it employs between 2% to 10% of total workforce of most countries (Abdul Rashid Hassan, 2005). Malaysia has gained an impressive economic growth during the last three decades (Abdul Rahman et al, 2005) and this sector has employed an estimated 798,200 workforce nationwide in 2004 (CIDB, 2006). The Malaysian Government has given a much needed boost to the countrys construction industry under the 9th Malaysian Plan where a total of 880 projects worth RM15billion is to be tendered (The Star, 2006). It should be foregrounded that the issue of poor quality in the construction sector has, nevertheless. been identified as a major concern even as far back as the mid 1980s (The Star, 2006). Generally, it is a rule that constructi on projects must be completed within the planned cost, scheduled time and required quality. Quality may sometimes be ignored in this industry to cut the costs or to shorten the project time (Turk, 2006). To deal with the low quality problem faced by the industry, quality management is seen as an approach to achieve the required level of quality of the end product and has been given great attention worldwide over the past three decades (Hiyassat, 2000; Berawi and Woodhead, 2005). However, there is a perception that majority of quality related issues are caused by human factor. In response to that perception, a study was performed to look into the relationship between professional ethics among participants of construction sector and the quality related issues in Malaysian construction sector. It should be noted that for this purpose of survey, contractors and clients are regarded as professions and they are required to demonstrate a high degree of professionalism in performing their t ask, in response to the Governments effort who has introduced the National Integrity Plan to enhance integrity and ethics in the nation. Unethical acts of fraud, waste, abuse, and corrupt practices are what receive prominent treatment in the media worldwide. Such as inappropriate gifts, unauthorized payments, and fiscal infractions are the unethical act problems most noted. The Conference Board in New York reported that the above issues have widespread agreement on each of these issues as being a serious concern among the leaders of the free world, including those in the United States, Canada, Japan, and Australia. Due to the increased of public awareness toward the contractor unethical acts and also decreased of public tolerance for wrong-doing, it is important for contractor to focus specifically on the question of how professional ethics should be incorporated into awareness of individual to make sure every projects should be completed as standard. The ethical statement can describe the act was right or wrong, or act with a right or wrong which it can provide a line of distinction between good and evil of the act or the tendency of a person or at least it can develop guidelines that can be made with various moral considerations(J.L Mackie, 1971). Ethical act are very important because it use to determine the thoughts, actions and behavior of members of the organization to fulfill their responsibility and trust as an employee. It is also to create statements and coordination between the contractors as a key institution for national development. Ethical act also important to maintain and improve client confidence in the organization, 84% of FMIs respondents said that theyve seen an unethical act committed in the construction industry in the past year is an alarming statistic. Contractors, can take little comfort in the probability that incidence of unethical behavior is just as high in other industries these days. FMI had offer f our solution and one of the solutions is to stiffer the penalties for those caught in unethical or illegal acts is the least likely to succeed. Secondly, the FMI had suggest to develop an industry-wide code of ethics which these codes of ethics need to be enforced in every country. A less formal but corollary solution would hit closer to home. Companies should place more emphasis on social responsibility in their dealings with other firms. This approach is easier said than done, of course, although a few respondents in the survey say they have walked away from projects or companies and suffered short-term consequences as a result. They did not indicate, however, that they regretted their decisions in the long term. Training in ethical conduct is the fourth solution, and its the one that holds the most promise as long as it is coupled with commitment to these practices from the top ranks of any construction company. The FMI report states that unethical acts can signal a failure of management to know how to get the job done the right way. 1.2 Problem statement Due to many issues in our country regarding construction industry that lead to the unethical act by the contractors in running the projects such as the issue on the Kuala Lumpur Middle Ring Road 2( MRR2 ), Matrade building and also the issue on the Navy Recruit Center. If this ethical issue still going on in our construction industry, it will affect our construction quality. According to the Works Minister Datuk Seri S. Samy Vellu, more than 18,000 contractors and sub-contractors were either paid late or have yet to receive payment for completed work totaling RM23.7billion since 2000. This is a very huge sum, about 14% of the allocation for development projects under the 9th Malaysia Plan. The Construction Industry Development Board (CIDB) had carried out a six-month survey on 330 contractors, in which 273 cases of payment problems involving RM877.8mil were reported. Another example for the issue in Malaysian construction industry is the Plaza Rakyats project. The government will iss ue a warning notice to the Plaza Rakyat project contractors to continue the project as early as next week, initially, and if defaults, the tender will be forfeited. Minister of Federal Territory and Welfare Commissioner, Datuk Raja Nong Chik Raja Zainal Abidin said, a notice will be given to contractors in a week or two so that they continue construction work. 1.3 AIM AND OBJECTIVES OF THE RESEARCH. The aim of this research as far as the unethical act among contractors class F in Selangor is concerned, is to identify the effect in the construction quality. These main objectives are broken down to more specific objectives in order to better understand the topic at hand. To achieve the desired aim of the research, there are some of the objectives had been choose for this research. Objectives for this research are: Assess the level of professional ethical standards and its practice in the Selangor construction industry, To identify the problems associated to unethical acts in construction industry Determine the role of professional ethics in improving quality management in construction industry. 1.4 Organization of Study Chapter 1 introduces the research topic. It discussed about the unethical acts, definition of contractor, definition of bumiputera, issue related to unethical acts in construction industry problem statement and the objectives that initiated this study. Chapter 2 involves the extensive review of literature relating to the relevant topic of the subject matter of research including the professional ethic and relationship between ethic and construction. Chapter 3 discussed the methodology used in this study. It includes the developed hypothesis and data collection methods. It also includes a brief explanation on the data analysis methods. Chapter 4 reports data analysis and findings of the survey obtained from the findings. Chapter 5 involves detail finding and discussion on the result of survey base on the analysis. Chapter 6 present conclusions and recommendation based on the findings of the study. Key recommendation and their future prospect have been outlined which may assist in future plans to facilitate knowledge sharing plan in school. CHAPTER 2 LITERATURE REVIEW 2.0 Introduction In this chapter a great extent of literature of relevant concepts are being reviewed in order to get insight of and identify variables which have impact on the objectives of this research. The researches which are done by different scholars and researches will be reviewed. 2.1 Quality In Construction Industry Quality is a measure of excellence or a state of being free from defects, deficiencies, and significant variations, brought about by the strict and consistent adherence to measurable and verifiable standards to achieve uniformity of output that satisfies specific customer or user requirements. ISO 8402-1986 standard defines quality as the totality of features and characteristics of a product or service that bears its ability to satisfy stated or implied needs Since tribal chiefs, kings, and pharaohs ruled the issues of quality have already existed (Gitlow, 2005). In a project scenario, quality can be defined as meeting the legal, aesthetic (Arditi Gunaydin, 1997) and functional requirements of a project (Berawi, 2006). Customers nowadays place more emphasis on the quality of products rather than the price which was the major concern in the past. Hence, a rapid expansion of international competition in quality has occurred (Tsiotras Gotzamani, 1996; Abdul Rahman Berawi, 2002). In America, the professional societies have prepared codes of ethics since before early twentieth century. These have been incorporated to a greater or lesser degree into the regulatory laws of various countries. Such as The Institution of Civil Engineers (ICE) in the UK, they have a code of ethics incorporated into its standards of conduct and as for Canadian societies of professional engineers likewise have such codes of conduct as well (Bowen, P., R. Pearl and A. Akintoye. 2007). Mainly for practical and professional use, codes of ethics are developed for supplementing the building codes and other acts of law. These ethical aspects were considered based on mans natural morals (Darabarek Symotink, 1999). In terms of quality in construction industry, Turk (2006), citing Arditi Gunaydin (1999), mentioned that à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‹Å"high quality building project includes factors like the design being easily understandable and applicable, conformity of design with specifications, economics of construction, ease of operation, ease of maintenance and energy efficiency. According to S. Fryer, Buro Happold, UK (2007), no matter how clever or elaborate the design of a structure is, any construction project will ultimately be judged on the quality of the finished product. Zantanidis Tsiotras (1998) and Abdul Rahman Berawi (2002) mentioned the expectations for quality construction projects will continue to grow rapidly as the number of affluent, educated and quality conscious customers are increasing. With the globalization of economy, construction firms worldwide are actively engaged to achieve internationally accepted quality levels to ensure their position in the emerging international market especially in those developing economies. Thus, the need to have a proper system that ensures quality is critical, coupled with high level of attention paid to quality management in construction industry (Abdul Rahman, Berawi, et al, 2006). Scholars indicate that quality management has been adopted by many countries in their construction industry including Hong Kong (Leung et al, 1999; Au Yu, 1999 and Tang Kam, 1999), Singapore (Low Omar, 1999 and Low Yeo, 1997), Greece (Tsiotras Gotzamani, 1996 and Zantanidis Tsiotras, 1998), Turkey (Turk, 2006), Jordan (Hiyassat, 2000), Saudi Arabia (Bubshait Al Atiq, 1999), Sweeden (Landin, 2000), United States (Chini Valdez, 2003), South Africa (Rwelamilla, 1995) and Malaysia (Chew Chai, 1996). As for Malaysia,we have the code of ethics for co ntractor which need to be followed by the contractors. In that code of ethic it emphasizes more about the level of professionalism, productivity, and quality. Excellence in the construction industry is very much determined by the level of efficiency, productivity, quality and professionalism in the delivery services. The delivery of construction services is connected directly or closely related integrity of the construction contractors in the performance responsibilities. This aspect has been dealt with when Construction Industry Master Plan (CIMP): 2006-2015 enacted. CIMP has given special emphasis on increasing productivity, image and professionalism in the construction industry as the strategic thrusts of this industry to greater high. For this purpose CIMP also has proposed legislation Code of ethics to further strengthen the practice of values and moral ethics among contractors in the country in implementation of construction works. Many developers were also fined for not confo rming to the Housing Development Act, including not preparing reports on schedule, especially work progress reports every six months (NST, 2010). This quality in our construction industry can be improved if everybody doing their part. For every developer, starting a new housing project is a new business. So, if they understand their responsibility as a developer and follow the agreement, they must complete the projects according to the dates set. According to Michael S. Poles, the quality of the construction can be control by competence supervision. It is the duty of the contractor to complete the work covered by his or her contract, in accordance with the approved plans and specifications. The contractor must carefully study the approved plans and specifications and should plan their schedule of operations well ahead of time. If at any time it is discovered that the work which is being done is not in accordance with the approved plans and specifications, the contractor should immed iately correct the work. In order to assure that the work being done is in accordance with the approved plans and specifications, the contractor must always supervise, and coordinate of all of the work that need to be completed. 2.2 Professional Ethic in Construction Industry Profession is an occupation that requires both advanced study and mastery of a specialized body of knowledge and undertaken to promote, ensure or safeguard some matter that significantly affects others well being (Vee Skitmore, 2003). Almost every profession has its codes of ethics to provide a framework for arriving at good ethical choices. Therefore, professional ethics is a system of norms to deal with both the morality and behavior of professionals in their day to day practice, and ascribes moral responsibility not to an individual, but to all professionals practicing in a particular profession. For the building and designing professions, the incalculable value of human life demands nothing less than the highest moral considerations from those who might risk it otherwise (Mason, 1998, cited in Vee Skitmore,2003). Professional ethics concerns the moral issues that arise because of the specialist knowledge that professionals attain, and how the use of this knowledge should be governed when providing a service to the public (Ruth Chadwick, 1998). The construction industry is a perfect environment for ethical dilemmas, with its low price mentality, fierce competition, and paper thin margin (FMI, 2006). Jordan (2005) stated that unethical behavior is taking a growing toll on the reputation of the industry. From a survey conducted by FMI, 63% of the respondents whom are the construction players feel that construction sector is tainted by unethical conducts (FMI, 2006). Surveys conducted by researchers in Australia (Vee Skitmore, 2003) and South Africa (Pearl et al, 2005) identified several unethical conducts and ethical dilemmas in the construction industry such as corruption, negligence, bribery, conflict of interest, bid cutting, under bidding, collusive tendering, cover pricing, frontloading, b id shopping, withdrawal of tender, and payment game. It is evident that there exist significant areas of concern pertaining to the ethical conducts practiced by the construction professionals. There are many other efforts taken to increase the ethical standards and integrity among the professionals in construction sectors worldwide. According to Pearl et al (2005), the regulatory professional Acts relating to the built environment professional sector in South Africa were totally overhauled in the late 1990s and a new suite of professional Acts were promulgated in 2000 to enhance the professionalism. Meanwhile, in America, the Construction Management Association of America (CMAA) has updated its code of ethics to include a wider range of professional services as well as professional services among construction players (CMAA, 2006). A Standard of Professional Conduct to govern the ethical practices in the American civil engineering profession was published by the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE, 2007). On the other  hand, Australia has their own codes of tendering to enhance fairness and transparency (Ray, 1997). In Malaysia, the government is very serious about improving ethics in both public and private sector. For instance, the construction industry has introduced codes of ethics for contractors to encourage self regulation among the contractor in this sector (The Star, 2006). Stakeholders of construction projects were asked to enforce the existing code of ethics to safeguard the engineers good name (The Star, 2006). The Construction Industry Development Board (CIDB) of Malaysia also host integrity courses for contractors to promote the importance of integrity and plans to make the course as a pre9requisite for contractors when renewing their registration (The Star, 2006). Finally, the launching of the Construction Industry Master Plan (CIMP) by CIDB in 2004 also had in the master plan an objective to enhance professional ethics in the local construction industry (Construction Industry Master Plan 2006 à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬Å" 2015). According to Housing and Local Government Minister Datuk Seri Kong Cho Ha, 1,345 developers and more than 5,000 directors of such companies involved in problematic projects have been blacklisted because they abandoned housing projects and also those that were not completed on schedule. They are not only been blacklisted, they also fined for not conforming to the Housing Development Act, including not preparing reports on schedule, especially work progress reports every six months(NST 2010). 2.3 Relationship between Professional Ethic and Quality Related Issues Besterfield et al (2003) mentioned quality is dependent on ethical behavior, whereby quality and ethics have a common care premise which is to do right things right and it is a proven way to reduce costs, improve competitiveness, and create customer satisfaction. It is evident that low  ethical standards among construction professional will lead to quality problem. These issues were highlighted in the media and received great concern of public (Fleddermann, 2004; NST, 2004; and RTM, 2006). As an example, the ethical related case in the construction industry was the collapse of the Hyatt Regency Kansas City walkways (Fleddermann, 2004). It is a hotel project in 1970s with walkways suspended over the large atrium. With the intention to save the cost, the subcontractor for the fabrication and erection of atrium steel suggested changes in the structure and it was approved by the consulting structural engineer. During the construction, part of the atrium collapsed and the engineer came out with the report saying that the design was safe and ready to be opened for business in 1980. The tragedy happened one year after the completion of the project during a dancing party in the atrium lobby. Some of the walkways on which people were dancing collapsed onto the crowded atrium floor, leaving more than a hundred people died and almost two hundred injuries. Investigation was then conducted by the Missouri Board of Architects, Professional Engineers and Land Surveyors reported that the original design was only marginally acceptable to the Kansas City building code where the walkways would only have had approximately 60% of the capacity required by the code. The situation was even worse in the new design proposed by the steel subcontractor and approved by the engineer. The consultant was found negligence in its investigation of the atrium collapse and places too much reliance on the subcontractor. Therefore, the engineer has been charged for negligence, incompetence, and misconduct. Both the engineer and the consultant firm lose license of practicing. This case strongly indicates that unethical behaviour will lead to quality problems and structural failures. In Malaysia, as an example, a newly opened specialist hospital in Johor Bahru was closed due to fungi attack on the equipments and walls (RTM 2006). It was found that many of the hospitals equipments such as oxygen piping and sewerage system are not according to the specifications. This clearly shows the poor ethics of the contractor who failed to do right things right. The contractor was given three months to rectify problems including leaking pipes, broken ceilings and faulty air conditioning ducts (NST, 2004). Another substandard quality of construction project in Malaysia is the RM238 million Middle Ring Road Two (MRR2) flyover which was closed to traffic after cracks were found in 31 pillars and structural movements were detected (The Sun, 2004). The Government engaged an independent consultant from the United Kingdom to investigate the defects. The independent consultant identified that design deficiencies and improper anchoring of the columns to the crossbeam were the main cau se of the cracks (NST, 2004). Design deficiency is found to be a negligence on the design team and the repair works was then carried out at an estimated cost of RM20 million. Contractors confront dozens of issues, many of which have substantial impact on their own self or organization, as well as others involved in the project. Many decisions have a straight forward answer determined by contract language or budget. Some, however, require entering an indistinct gray zone where the contractor must use best judgment to devise a course of action. Ethical questions raised include: what happens when professional codes and regulations lag behind technological innovations; what precautions must engineers take when trying to balance the benefits, new technologies bring against risks to public safety, often associated with engineering innovation and what are engineering and corporate responsibilities to the public for failed innovation; and should he hold then payments for the benefit of his organization. Often these challenges are managed with little or no preparation or formal guidelines and sometimes with negative results. Engineering ethics is attracting interest in colleges of engineering throughout the world. Therefore, the new technology must address the human being as its central subject and has to be introduced by ethics (Cywinski, Z. 2001). The construction of the new national palace at Jalan Duta, Kuala Lumpur has doubled in a period of four years from RM400 million to RM 811 million. Contracts for the construction were awarded to three companies through direct negotiations instead of open tenders ( NST 2003). Government will focus on overcoming the problem `leakage of tenders in the Ninth Malaysia Plan (RMK-9) are exploring the possibility of tightening conditions of the application to the contractor class F. Entrepreneur and Cooperative Development Minister Datuk Mohamed Khaled Nordin said the conditions were studied for class F contractors license applican t is to ensure that applicants undergo interview, examination, has offices and operations background of the net. The number of contractors has increased dramatically recently that 46.983 of the contractors registered with the Contractor Service Centre (PKK) in the country. Of the total, 35,544 are Class F contractors. The contractors will face intense competition in seeking jobs or contracts, and more disturbing is the number of contractors that own more than the number of contracts offered, especially from the government. CHAPTER 3 RESEARCH METHODOLOGY 3.0 Introduction This section describes the methodology used in conducting this research. It starts by describing the sample selection, research design, variables and hypothesis and continues with the description of the methods of data collection and data analysis. Finally, some of the limitations and key assumption of the findings are described. Primary source were used to collect data from the sample to assess the perception of respondents toward knowledge management and knowledge sharing, the school culture and work environment, individual barriers and organization barriers toward knowledge sharing. The selected data was tested and conclusions were drawn. There are 6 procedures used in completing this study. First, a review of literature was conducted. The review was focused on the emergence of knowledge economy and knowledge management. Then the roles of knowledge sharing were discussed. A further potential barrier toward knowledge sharing was reviewed. Variable which has affected on knowledge sharing was also discussed. The review of literature served as a frame work for the study, and offered contrasting opinions of the authors. Second, a rough draft of the survey instrument and possible methods of testing and assessment of variables was done. A questionnaire was tested and validated before implementation reviewed for preventing any bias and avoiding errors. Questionnaire survey is the main research methodology used to achieve the research objectives. Five hundred (500) sets of questionnaires were distributed to targeted respondents in Selangor state by post ,via the internet , by hand. Targeted respondents ranging from consultant firms and contractor personnel within Selangor area .To ensure the reliability of the questionnaire survey, the sample size taken was then compared to match with the sample size recommended by Krejcie and Morgan (Sekaran, 2000: 295). Third, a survey was implemented. Questionnaire was sent to the list of all class F contractors which registered under PKK within Selangor area. Fourth, the result of the survey was assessed using Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS) 15.0 software. The result were tested and presented with illustration. Scores were converted into percentage rating and presented in graphical format using excel 2003. Fifth, the conclusion was driven from data analysis and findings. Important points were highlighted and recommendations were given. Research Design The research was designed to explore the unethical acts among contractors regarding the issue on the construction quality in Selangor. The data produced from the research was then analyzed so that the following objective could be achieved. The stated hypothesis could be tested and further recommendations could be made with regard to specific focus of this research. To identify areas for further, and more specific areas of research Quantitative method utilizing survey method is used for gathering information. Variables Variables are classified into three groups including dependent variables, moderate variables and independent variables. Dependent Variable Unethical act is considered as dependent variable Independent Variable Contractors and construction quality are considered as independent variables. Data Collection A comprehensive literature review and self administered questionnaire were used to provide an insight to the study. These instruments provide informative ideas on the possible issued experienced by factors affecting perception of respondents about unethical acts will effected the construction quality The survey aimed is to target contractor class F in Selangor. The aimed was chosen because of two reasons. Firstly, there are too many contractors class F in Selangor. Secondly, the issues that involved contractor class F are more major in our construction industry and this give the author the possibility to sent the questionnaires to some contractor firm on one to one basis. The author would have preferred a larger sample of respondents to participate in the research, but due to limitation of time, this was not possible. The survey was aimed at the contractors class F in Selangor area. Data were collected from 500 contractors selected randomly from different firm and background. Questionnaire was send through mail and respondents were given three weeks to respond before they were send back to the author. 3. 4 Research Assumptions When conducting this study a number of assumptions have been made with regards to the literature reviewed and the respondent sample selected. These assumptions are identified as below. The secondary data collected from various resources have been assumed to be valid and based on the research done by authors. The secondary data has been assumed to present public interest as a whole and without any biases. The respondents have responded to the questionnaire without any biasness and to the best of their abilities. Instrumental Biases In administrating the questionnaire, there has been a significant degree of biasness that was exercised by researcher. The questionnaire was developed based on the respondents. This minimizes the respondent biasness to a certain level. Various scaling methods were utilized where appropriate to minimize biasness. Sample size Approximately 500 contractors were randomly selected from the target population of different firms. The simple random sampling method was utilized in this situation. This was to deter any sample biasness that could have distorted the result. The respondents samples of contractors were surveyed in the Selangor area. The contractors who responded came from various hierarchy levels of different firms. Scaling of Questionnaire In order in measure the operationally defined and elements of a variable, the rating scale has been used to elicit responses with regard to the person studied. A number of rating scales techniques and measurements were utilized when administrating questionnaire involving Category scale and Likert scale. Example: Category Scale What is your highest educational qualification? PHD degree Bs degree Ms degree Diploma/STPM Knowledge sharing is fully supported by school administrator. Extremely disagree/ Strongly disagree/ Disagree /Agree /Strongly Agree/Extremely A

Monday, January 20, 2020

Meaning and Texture of the Seventh Poem in Leaves of Grass Essay

Meaning and Texture of the Seventh Poem in Leaves of Grass Walt Whitman's seventh poem in his work, Leaves of Grass, displays the subtlety with which the poet is able to manipulate the reader's emotions. In this poem there are no particular emotional images, but the overall image painted by word choice and use of sounds is quite profound. This poem, like many others written by Walt Whitman, is somewhat somber in mood, but not morose. It is serious, but not to the point of gloom. Whitman writes concerning the general idea that everything is merged together and is one. One cannot die without being born, just as one cannot be a mother without first having one. The purpose of the poem is to show those things that are real are true and holy, and even more importantly unified. In this poem he is speaking as some sort of omnipotent being, perhaps God or a soul. The tone or mood of the poem is delivered in the first stanza of the poem. He delves directly into birth and death, a sure sign that this poem will be no light reading. However, he uses a question to set the stage of the poem when he says, "Has anyone supposed it lucky to be born?" Questions are effective attention grabbers, but even more effective is Whitman's answer to the question. He produces an unorthodox response to the question, posing the answer that it is just as lucky to die. By giving such an odd answer to the question, he sets the stage for the rest of the poem presenting ideas not necessarily considered orthodox. The whole poem revolves around the idea that things must constantly be looked at from other viewpoints, and this initial stanza serves to illustrate this point well. The primary idea he sets forth in his poem is the idea ... ...et over. Whitman also uses commas in many of the longer lines. By doing this he forces the reader to slow down and not read the poem too quickly. The commas cause the reader to take in more because he/she will read the poem slower, and therefore read the poem as it was meant to be read. Whitman stresses the fundamental idea of nature in this, his seventh poem: Everything is dependent-no one can be independent from everything. Therefore, we are all essentially one giant organism. A fundamental unity exists in nature, and we are a part of it. Independence is a concept that nobody can truly understand, because everything is interdependent upon one another. The texture of the poem is very helpful in understanding its meaning. Whitman's structural brilliance shines through in this poem, helping the reader grasp the concept that all things are but one.

Saturday, January 11, 2020

Doing Business in Argentina

Doing Business in Argentina Argentina has a stable political structure and the government is working on developing economy. I would choose to produce and sell solar panels in Argentina through Joint Venture with an Argentina company, which is one of the Investment Entry Mode. And I would send 1 in sales, 2 engineers, 1 accountant, 1 in shipping, 3 technicians, and 2 managers. Market reasons: Firstly, Argentina has enriched solar resource. â€Å"Argentina’s eastern plains and north western regions are ideal  for solar PV development.However, only 10 MW of solar has  been installed in Argentina to date, making it a huge untapped  resource† (Grotz, Decundo and Ernst and Young). It indicates that the potential market for solar panels is huge. In addition, the efficient of solar energy is the most concern factor of solar panels, â€Å"solar energy installations began as simple contraptions in Latin America but are increasingly led by technologically advanced providers deploying sophisticated equipment and expertise that makes foreign participation almost indispensable† (Solar Daily).And my company has the best electronics package on the market; it is a great opportunity for my product to take a major part of market share in Argentina. Secondly, solar energy is one of the major renewable energy that Argentine government trying to develop. Argentina is the third-largest economy in Latin America, and one of the emerging markets around the world. However, the shortage in electricity is the major obstacle of the development. â€Å"Electricity demand continues to grow steadily in the country  and forecasts suggest an ongoing annual increase of 6%.Estimates indicate that an additional 1 GW of new generation  capacity per annum will be necessary to satisfy this growing  demand† (Grotz, Decundo and Ernst and Young). To solve the problem, Argentine government not only passed a law to ensure that â€Å"8% of  electricity demand should be generated by renewable sources  by 2016†, but also developed the GENREN program to â€Å"contract at least 1GW of renewable energy capacity† (Grotz, Decundo and Ernst and Young). And 20 Mw of electricity are supposed to be converted by solar energy.With the encouraging and supporting of Argentine government, it is the best timing to introduce my product into the renewable energy industry. Why Joint Venture? The very first concern is from the company’s interest. Since $5,000,000 has been spent in developing the electronics package and assembly machine, I need to reduce the costs of entering the new foreign market as much as possible. Through Joint Venture, I can access to existing resources that the local company has in Argentina; it takes less time for my company to get familiar with the market and actual start my business.Time is money. Also, the advantages I have are the core technology of the business, human resource to train workers and jobs; all I need is the local facility and less required workforce. I will send 3 technicians to Argentina to train limited workers before hand and license my patents to the local company for a limited time. On one hand the business is able to operate smoothly once it started. On the other hand, given the fact that, Argentina is a country with high uncertainty avoidance, it shows my willingness of cooperating with the local company.Also, it’s necessary to sign a very detailed contract with the local company. What’s more, Argentina has a high Human Development Index and ranked 45th among 187 countries (UNDP). Therefore, it will not take much time in training workers. Secondly, it helps my company to form a local image. Argentina is an achievement oriented country, with a local company entering the market; it reduces the effect of unfamiliarity. In the mean time, since Argentina is a multi-culture country, when dealing with culture issue, a local company can provide support and reduce r isks that due to unfamiliar of the culture.The most important is that, a local image represents local interests. The argument among nationalizing YPF S. A. , the oil and gas company owned by the Spanish energy giant Repsol (Romero), is the hottest issue recently. One reason for Argentine government to take over YPF S. A. is that â€Å"YPF, hasn't produced enough to keep up with Argentina's rapidly growing economy†¦the company's proven reserves of oil and gas have also fallen substantially over the past few years† (Weisbrot). From Argentine government’s point of view, it means YPF S. A. somehow did not represent the country’s interests. When corporate interests are not aligned with national interests, when companies are concerned only with profits, that's when economies fail, which is what happened globally in 2008 and what happened to Argentina in 2001† (Bronstein). In this case, it is crucial to form a local image in Argentina and being less foreign. Thirdly, it reduces the political risks in Argentina. IMF claims that there is no nationalization trend in South America despite the moves in Argentina, â€Å"it's a very diverse region and we would not call what we are seeing a trend† (Palmer).However, always being aware of potential political risks in Argentina is good to prepare ahead and reduce the loss as much as possible. Through Joint Venture, if a wide range of nationalization happens, it would reduce my loss of investing in establishing facility and share the risks with the local company. In addition, it allows me to be able to get involved into the relationship between the local company and local government. Fourthly, my company needs to get into the industry as soon as possible.Since Argentina is a FDI favorable country and renewable energy industry is hot, it is a highly competitive industry currently. â€Å"Argentina attracted US$743m (â‚ ¬546m) in clean  energy investment in 2010, ranking it 16th among G 20  members. Its five-year growth rate for clean energy investment  is 115% which places it second among the G 20† (Grotz, Decundo and Ernst and Young). As for solar energy, there are already some big companies involve in, like Sequel Power and Onyx Service and Solutions, Inc. , they admitted that â€Å"South America is a tremendous growth region for utility-scale solar energy projects† (Solar Daily).Not to mention when the EU begins to focus on the industry, â€Å"the EU is the biggest foreign investor in Argentina, accounting for about half of the FDI in Argentina with EU's investment stocks worth â‚ ¬ 44. 1 billion in 2008 and   important investments in areas such as telecoms, automotive or energy† (European Commission), the competition would be drastic. At that time, the key point to win the battle would focus on technology. Through Joint Venture, not only my company would provide the latest technology in the U. S. , but also the local company is abl e to distribute the competitive product to local market in time.Fifthly, through Joint Venture, it would be easier to send money back to the U. S. The financial issue would be the biggest problem to do business in Argentina. Due to the crisis in 2001, â€Å"Argentina defaulted on its bonds and has since had  difficulty accessing the international credit market†; therefore, even though Argentine government is trying to develop renewable energy, â€Å"A lack of  support for project development from financial institutions  continues to be a barrier to renewable energy development in  the country† (Grotz, Decundo and Ernst and Young).Without subsidiary from government, it is harder to develop a new company in a new industry. Therefore, the financial plan should be made in detail and carefully. The restriction on money transaction is tightened in Argentina; huge amount of money need to go through the Central Bank to transfer to outside of Argentina. It would be easi er for Argentina residents to do so. Argentina has placed trade barriers, like limits on payment of import services, to protect local industry and its trade surplus.And â€Å"the critics described the policy as ‘unbefitting any WTO member’ and ‘particularly troubling’ because they limit the growth-enhancing prospects for trade† (Miles). Also, the labor cost is much cheaper in Argentina than the U. S. , thus, I decided not to import products from the U. S. to Argentina, but to produce it locally. Last but not least, through Joint Venture, I am able to know the cost of living in Argentina, and provide my employees a reasonable salary while working in there.And the local company can assist my employees to get used to the life in Argentina; it will allow them to feel less culture shock. I will keep their positions in the U. S. , and ask the first group of employees that go to Argentina to share their experiences in the help of next group of people to mak e full preparation. As the company in Argentina should be long-term, and I would like everyone in my company has the chance to work there, if I could. In this case, the coordination among the U.S. company and Argentine company will be better. One group of 10 employees in Argentina is fixed. And technicians are the most important, it needs 3 employees; 2 engineers are able to develop our products suitable for Argentine circumstance; 1 in sales, 1 accountant, 1 in shipping, and 2 managers would be enough to cooperate with the local company. All in all, considering the market factor and the business environment in Argentina, I would like to sell and produce my electronic package.I already have competitive advantage in my product, through Joint Venture; it enables my business to develop smoothly and steadily in such a foreign market. Works Cited Bronstein, Hugh. Hugh Bronstein. 4 May 2012. 4 May 2012 . European Commission. Argentina. 18 April 2012. 3 May 2012

Friday, January 3, 2020

Criminal Justice Associate Degree Virginia Campuses Compliment Online Learning at the University of Phoenix 2019

Through online learning programs, the University of Phoenix has changed the way criminal justice students are earning degrees across the nation. In addition to online learning, however, the University of Phoenix values hands-on learning and in-person interaction. Criminal justice students in Virginia have access to 2 criminal justice associate degree Virginia campuses to take advantage of all that the University of Phoenix has to offer. Hands-On Learning Improves Students Skills at Criminal Justice Associate Degree Virginia Campuses New classes are beginning every month at University of Phoenix Virginia campuses. Experienced professors encourage class interaction and hands-on learning. Students continue to participate in online criminal justice courses while receiving supplementary experiences at these Virginia campuses: Richmond, Virginia University of Phoenix Campus Northern Virginia University of Phoenix Campus in Reston, Virginia. Criminal Justice Associate Degree Virginia Classes Provide Foundation for Advanced Degrees Earning an Associate of Arts in Criminal Justice through the University of Phoenix leads to a number of satisfying career opportunities immediately upon graduation. However, it also lays the foundation for pursuing further education in the field of criminal justice. Associate degree Virginia programs prepare students to streamline into the following degrees: Bachelor of Science in Criminal Justice Administration Master of Science/Administration of Justice and Security .u7101cc0e9954aa2912a61f0b9fc080cb { padding:0px; margin: 0; padding-top:1em!important; padding-bottom:1em!important; width:100%; display: block; font-weight:bold; background-color:#eaeaea; border:0!important; border-left:4px solid #34495E!important; box-shadow: 0 1px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.17); -moz-box-shadow: 0 1px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.17); -o-box-shadow: 0 1px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.17); -webkit-box-shadow: 0 1px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.17); text-decoration:none; } .u7101cc0e9954aa2912a61f0b9fc080cb:active, .u7101cc0e9954aa2912a61f0b9fc080cb:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; text-decoration:none; } .u7101cc0e9954aa2912a61f0b9fc080cb { transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; } .u7101cc0e9954aa2912a61f0b9fc080cb .ctaText { font-weight:bold; color:inherit; text-decoration:none; font-size: 16px; } .u7101cc0e9954aa2912a61f0b9fc080cb .post Title { color:#000000; text-decoration: underline!important; font-size: 16px; } .u7101cc0e9954aa2912a61f0b9fc080cb:hover .postTitle { text-decoration: underline!important; } READ Accounting Services for Small BusinessesTo receive more information about earning an Associate of Arts in Criminal Justice through the University of Phoenix, prospective students are encouraged to submit this information request form. More links to criminal justice programs are also available through College-Pages.com, the leading education and career resource website. Related ArticlesAssociate Degree in Criminal Justice 20 Months to a Better Career or Foundation for a Bachelor DegreeAssociate of Science in Criminal Justice Connecticut Students Discover Flexible OptionsUniversity of Phoenix Nursing School How to Combine the Best of Online and Campus-based LearningAssociate Criminal Justice Degree Checklist 7 Things to Consider Before EnrollingThe Road to a Criminal Justice Career Earning an A.A. in Criminal JusticeIs a Bachelors in Criminal Justice For You