Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Do you agree that fat is a feminist issue why or why not Essay

Do you agree that fat is a feminist issue why or why not - Essay Example Women indulge in food so that they can be taken more serious in their areas of work, especially by their male colleagues. Losing weight leads to them being overlooked by their male counterparts. Other women have different reasons for being fat. While some opt to grow fat to avoid competition from other women, others do go this direction to de-sexualize themselves, yet others do it because of their mothers’ crazy relationship with food. Women who are fat usually think they are in desperate need of weight loss, yet subconsciously they hold on to the desire to stay fat. They seem to enjoy the advantages that come with being fat. They keep overlooking the very activities that lead them to being fat such as compulsive eating. Orbach shares her experience with trying to lose weight as she opens a window into her life with obesity. Although she had suffered dieting, bingeing and selfhatred for ten years, she got renewed within six months after enrolling for a course on compulsive eating (Wilson par. 5). Women do crazy things in the name of growing thin; some vomit food until it even comes out of the nostrils, some do laxatives, others exercise twice a day for two and a half hour sessions per session, while others try diets such as atkins diet, cabbage soup, south beach and the zone and the long list of despair and self hatred continues. Women count calories, measure grams offat, drink very bitter tasting juices for weeks just to look good on the beach. After doing all this, they realize they feel a lot happier being size 16 than trying to be size 8 (Gordon par. 4). Throughout a lot of exaggeration can be see, images have become sexier in an unattainable manner. These are just the consequences of a social system in which those who wield power take advantage both at home and at the workplace. Some, like Duchess Windsor, believe that a woman cannot be too thin, a sentiment echoed by all fashion and beauty magazines, every television commercial, weight loss

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