Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Essay on Helping Children with Incarcerated Parents

A serious issue facing this country today is the 2.7 million children currently being left behind with incredible pain while their parents are being placed behind bars (Maier 91). They are left behind with not only pain, but the struggles of living day to day life without the guidance of their parents, as well as having to find a new home. According to child development specialist and the founding director of the Center for Children of Incarcerated Parents, Denise Johnston, â€Å"there are over 10 million minor children in the United States who have dealt with parental incarceration over the course of time† (91). The Big Brother Big Sister (BBBS) program needs to take the initiative in the process of reunification between parents who have been†¦show more content†¦Diane and Edward Reed, who are both hold 20+ years in health policy analysis and technical assistance go on to state, â€Å"most law enforcement and child welfare agencies lack both awareness of the issues and the means to respond to children following the arrest and/or incarceration of their parents† (161). These agencies, along with the law enforcement officials, hold importance while dealing with these Children of Incarcerated Parents (CIPs), but they deal more from a business prospective. While on the other hand, the Big Brother Big Sister program is more of an emotional connection and that is something that most of these children lack and are in need of. Where parents and their children reside can have a huge impact on their lives in many different aspects. Children with parents that are incarcerated, are typically raised in poor and poverty stricken neighborhoods. â€Å"Of course there are middle-class and even some wealthy offenders, but when proportioned, over 90 percent of offenders are what we would define as poor† (Maier 93). â€Å"Poverty is the big background picture, the framework, the major context for crime, criminal behavior, and incarceration† (Maier 93). Although it may not be preventable, living in areas where crime occurs so regularly and drugs are at such easy access, it is hard for these parents to avoid it all and they end up falling short to the temptation of it all. So for those living inShow MoreRelatedIncarceration Is A Method Used By The United States Criminal Justice System1364 Words   |  6 Pagesprisons with approx. 200,000 inmates. According to statistics, women represent 6.7% of inmates i n federal prison. 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