Thursday, December 26, 2019

The Legal Implications Of Advertising A Car - 1730 Words

Abstract: For years, automotive manufacturers have made claims about what their vehicles are and are not capable of. One of these claims involves participation in motorsports. These claims are publicized in advertisements and are furthered with actual demonstrations of vehicles performing in competitive racing environments. However, most, if not all, vehicle warranties specifically state that racing will remove a given manufacturer from liability should a problem occur in the form of a denial of warranty repair work. These practices will be examined from a legal and ethical point of view. A determination will be made about whether or not these practices should be or are allowed under the current configuration of the laws of the United States. Another determination will be made regarding the ethical correctness of the actions undertaken by many automotive manufacturers. The essay will conclude with a review of the possible legal ramifications of advertising a car as capable of participa ting in competitive racing and then expressly prohibiting this action in the warranty statement of the vehicle. Finally, several considerations will be made about what needs to and should happen in regards to this issue going forward. Warranty: Denied I. Introduction 1.1 Racing and Warranty Claims It has long been known in the automotive community that racing or competition of any type can void a comprehensive vehicle warranty. Often, owners of high performance vehicles engageShow MoreRelatedUK toys and games industry1642 Words   |  7 Pages Any changes in macro environment will inevitably influence on the company. PESTLE is a framework to estimate external forces (see Table 1) Table 1. PESTLE analysis Factor Current situation Implications Political/ Legal/ Environmental 1) Restrictions in marketing to children 1) ethical and legal aspects should be taken in marketing to children; damage to company reputation in case of offence Economical 1) Recovery after recession and economic downturn 2) GDP growth 3) Industry tradingRead MoreEffects Of Abnormal Profits On The Long Run Essay1530 Words   |  7 Pagesmarket, an influx of new firms into the market is highly unlikely, therefore abnormal profits are sustained in the long run. Diagram 2.0 3. Non-Price Competition As previously discussed, price stickiness is one of the implications under the assumptions of the oligopoly model. Since changing price will generally result in the loss of profits and market share; firms compete using non-price related strategies. One of these methods includes product improvement. If firms improveRead MoreLuxury Goods Industry777 Words   |  4 Pagespositioning changed over time? What is the role of alcohol mixing to Red Bull’s success? 2. What is Red Bull’s success formula? For which kind of product/beverage categories will this formula work? How does Red Bull know when to turn on the advertising? What metrics would you use to make this judgment? 3. Why did the first U.K. launch go awry? 4. What changes were made for the U.S. market? Should other changes be considered? 5. Assume tough competition is coming. How can Red Bull protectRead More Consumer Driven World of Advertising Essay1550 Words   |  7 PagesConsumer Driven World of Advertising The speech titled Advertisings Overdue Revolution is a very interesting read. I will attempt to break the speech down into a number of main themes discussed by the author. I will then examine each of these themes and decide whether or not I agree with the points presented. On the issues that I have a difference of opinion, I will examine why, and try to support my argument with relevant facts. How much is advertising responsible for the highestRead MoreFord Pinto- Marketing Ethics1922 Words   |  8 PagesRecommendations amp; Implications for Marketing Managers IV. Conclusion V. Sources INTRODUCTION â€Å"For seven years the Ford Motor Company sold cars in which it knew hundreds of people would needlessly burn to death.† Mark Dowie, Author of Pinto Madness (8) One of the biggest automotive news stories in the latter part of the 1970’s dealt with tales of exploding Ford Pintos and the considerable awards civil court juries were presenting to victims of accidents involving the cars. FordRead MoreStrategic Management and Cold Stone Creamery1255 Words   |  6 Pageswhether the choice varies among countries * Product/services strategy—The extent to which a worldwide business offers the same or different products in different countries * Marketing—The extent to which a company uses the same brand names, advertising, and other marketing elements in different countries * Competitive moves—The extent to which a company makes competitive moves in individual countries as part of a global competitive strategy * Factor movements and start-up strategy—WhetherRead More New beetle Essay2392 Words   |  10 Pages Case9 : New Beetle EXTERNAL ANALYSIS 1.nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Market definition New beetle is competing in the small size car industry in the US market. 2.nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Market size In US market, the total of small car sales in 2,217,813 units, which is equivalent to 32 million dollar. Market size in dollar term = 2,217,813 * ($11,035 to $18,000) = $ 32 million In 1998, New beetle sales is 137,885 units, which is 6 percent of the market. Market share in 1998 = 137,885 =Read MoreHrm Assignment2133 Words   |  9 PagesThe difference between Personnel Management and Human Resource Management 3 1.2 How the HRM function contributes to the purpose of the organization 3 1.3 The role and responsibilities of line managers in supporting HRM 4 1.4 The impact of legal and regulatory framework in an organization 5 Task 2 6 2.1 2.2 General HR planning 6 2.3 The recruitment and selection process 7 2.4 Effectiveness of recruitment and selection 7 Task 3 8 3.1 Motivation of staff through reward 8 Read MoreHow Companies Identify Attractive Market Segments and Choose a Target Marketing Strategy.1749 Words   |  7 Pagesstrategy for a certain segment there are a number of stages that are important, if the campaign is to be a success. Initially companies will analyse the current internal and external situation. In the macro environment companies will study the political-legal, economic, socio-cultural and technological environment (abbreviated as PEST) to ensure there are no issues that might affect marketing and performance. In addition, it is crucial to examine resources, offerings and past results within the organisationRead MoreFederal Trade Commission and the Act4078 Words   |  17 PagesACT 2 FALSE AND DECEPTIVE ADVERTISING 5 BAIT AND SWITCH ADVERTISING/TACTICS 8 CONSUMER FRAUD 10 IDENTIFYING, VERIFYING AND PREVENTING DECEPTION 12 CLOSING STATEMENTS ABOUT THE FEDERAL TRADE COMMISSION 13 BIBLIOGRAPHY 14 ABSTRACT The paper will serve as a historical background overview of how the Federal Trade Commission Act (FTC) came into existence. The paper will also break down the key components for which the FTC covers, such as deceptive advertising, baiting and switching and

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Essay on Helping Children with Incarcerated Parents

A serious issue facing this country today is the 2.7 million children currently being left behind with incredible pain while their parents are being placed behind bars (Maier 91). They are left behind with not only pain, but the struggles of living day to day life without the guidance of their parents, as well as having to find a new home. According to child development specialist and the founding director of the Center for Children of Incarcerated Parents, Denise Johnston, â€Å"there are over 10 million minor children in the United States who have dealt with parental incarceration over the course of time† (91). The Big Brother Big Sister (BBBS) program needs to take the initiative in the process of reunification between parents who have been†¦show more content†¦Diane and Edward Reed, who are both hold 20+ years in health policy analysis and technical assistance go on to state, â€Å"most law enforcement and child welfare agencies lack both awareness of the issues and the means to respond to children following the arrest and/or incarceration of their parents† (161). These agencies, along with the law enforcement officials, hold importance while dealing with these Children of Incarcerated Parents (CIPs), but they deal more from a business prospective. While on the other hand, the Big Brother Big Sister program is more of an emotional connection and that is something that most of these children lack and are in need of. Where parents and their children reside can have a huge impact on their lives in many different aspects. Children with parents that are incarcerated, are typically raised in poor and poverty stricken neighborhoods. â€Å"Of course there are middle-class and even some wealthy offenders, but when proportioned, over 90 percent of offenders are what we would define as poor† (Maier 93). â€Å"Poverty is the big background picture, the framework, the major context for crime, criminal behavior, and incarceration† (Maier 93). Although it may not be preventable, living in areas where crime occurs so regularly and drugs are at such easy access, it is hard for these parents to avoid it all and they end up falling short to the temptation of it all. So for those living inShow MoreRelatedIncarceration Is A Method Used By The United States Criminal Justice System1364 Words   |  6 Pagesprisons with approx. 200,000 inmates. According to statistics, women represent 6.7% of inmates i n federal prison. When thinking of women in prison, one s first thought may be, â€Å"What about the children?† In the United States, the numbers of incarcerated women are increasing, as well as the impact on the children. The United States not only consists of federal prisons and their inmates, but also consists of private facilities that hold U.S inmates. In the United States there are approximatelyRead MoreThere Is A Fair Amount Of Research Surrounding Parents1522 Words   |  7 PagesThere is a fair amount of research surrounding parents being incarcerated, and the effects it can have on those they leave on the outside. Children with incarcerated parents can have quite a few factors working against them. This can cause behavioural and emotional issues (Merenstein, Tyson, Tilles, Keays, Rufffolo, 2011). There is a need for social support from adult role models. This includes caregivers, teachers and other adults in the community activities they are involved in ( Luther, 2015;Read MoreChildren With Incarcerated Parents Have Lived An Uneasy Life1432 Words   |  6 PagesChildren with incarcerated parents have lived an uneasy life. Children have watched their parents get in trouble with the law and watch them be handcuffed and taken away for arrest. Children struggle physically, mentally and emotionally when a parent is displaced away from the home. Children have many emotions when they see their parent going away with a police officer. Children are taught today, the police officers are there to help you but also deal with people that get in trouble and when youRead MoreImprisoned Mothers: Should Contact with Children be Eliminated908 Words   |  4 PagesCommunication with the Children? â€Å"When my mother was sentenced, I felt I was sentenced. She was sentenced to prison, away from her kids and family. I was sentenced as a child-to be without my mother.† This quotation is part of a story of a young woman’s struggle with her mother being in prison. Separation from children is an issue that many female prisoners face. However, it’s not just the mothers who will suffer; we must also consider the children of these women. The children are often left to dealRead MoreDomestic Violence Presentation Of Doreen Lesane901 Words   |  4 Pageslaw does not recognize domestic abuse as a criminal act and is categorize as nonphysical form of abuse. As a social worker our goals is not to get the client to flea an abuse relationship but to provided serveries to better Accommodate client by helping them create safety nets. Prof. Elaine Reid makes a startling claim, woman are more likely to be murder when they are trying to leave an abuse spouse, and this is a lso refer as separation violence. Nevertheless it is important not to judge these individualRead MoreProblems Facing Incarcerated Women Essay1605 Words   |  7 Pagesworkplace. Women resistance is the act of opposing those in power, so women can have a voice in the world. Women in prison are often overlooked. In the 1970s, the women prisoners’ rights movement began, and it is still going on today. The number of incarcerated females is rapidly growing compared to men. According to Victoria Law, a prison rights activist, she stated that the percentage of female prisoners increased 108%. This struggle is significant because women in prison are being silenced; they areRead MoreChildren of Incarcerated Parents Essay1814 Words   |  8 PagesWhen a person becomes a parent, their role in life undoubtedly changes. The person must become a teacher, a guide, and a helping hand in the life of the child. Research has shown that there is a distinct connection between how a child is ra ised and their overall developmental outcome. John Bowlby’s attachment theory emphasizes the importance of the regular and sustained contact between the parent-infant or parent-child relationship (Travis Waul 2003). Yet, what happens when the only physical contactRead MoreThe Effect Parents Have on Their Children. Essay1733 Words   |  7 PagesWhy is it important that parents make wise decisions? It is important because these choices not only affect themselves but also affect their children. Parents and caregivers are vital to the development and growth of children. Parents play a crucial role in every stage of childhood and can play a positive role in helping them get the best out of life. The most simplest decisions in a parents life could damage the life of a child. Thats why the way parents raise their children play an important roleRead MoreAnti Drug Abuse Act Of 19861591 Words   |  7 PagesPresident claimed that drugs were the â€Å"Public Enemy Number One† among Americans. Fast-forward to 1986, Congress passed the Anti-Drug Abuse Act of 1986. This act placed mandatory minimum sentences on minor drug infractions. The war on drugs not only incarcerated a very high number of Blacks, but also tore families apart in an effort to clean up neighborhoods which still affect many African American families almost a half-century later. In October 1982, President Ronald Reagan addressed the nation andRead MoreMy Understanding Of The Social Work Profession Is To Help1662 Words   |  7 Pageshardships growing up therefore, I strive to empower people who need to have their voice heard and bring social justice to America. My dream is to make a difference by helping create a society that provides robust opportunities to anyone that may be disadvantaged. I would like to obtain my Masters of Social Work by influencing others and helping them to succeed in life. My past human service experience are relevant because during my time at Michigan State University, as an undergraduate student, I was able

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Eyewitness Account of The Boston Tea Party, 1773 Essay Example For Students

Eyewitness Account of The Boston Tea Party, 1773 Essay The Boston Tea Party, 1773, EyeWitness to History, (2002). Victory in the French and Indian War was costly for the British. At the wars conclusion in 1763, King George III and his government looked to taxing the American colonies as a way of recouping their war costs. They were also looking for ways to reestablish control over the colonial governments that had become increasingly independent while the Crown was distracted by the war. Royal ineptitude compounded the problem. A series of actions including the Stamp Act (1765), the Townsend Acts (1767) and the Boston Massacre (1770) agitated the colonists, straining relations with the mother country. But it was the Crowns attempt to tax tea that spurred the colonists to action and laid the groundwork for the American Revolution. The colonies refused to pay the levies required by the Townsend Acts claiming they had no obligation to pay taxes imposed by a Parliament in which they had no representation. In response, Parliament retracted the taxes with the exception of a duty on tea a demonstration of Parliaments ability and right to tax the colonies. In May of 1773 Parliament concocted a clever plan. They gave the struggling East India Company a monopoly on the importation of tea to America. Additionally, Parliament reduced the duty the colonies would have to pay for the imported tea. The Americans would now get their tea at a cheaper price than ever before. However, if the colonies paid the duty tax on the imported tea they would be acknowledging Parliaments right to tax them. Tea was a staple of colonial life it was assumed that the colonists would rather pay the tax than deny themselves the pleasure of a cup of tea. The colonists were not fooled by Parliaments ploy. When the East India Company sent shipments of tea to Philadelphia and New York the ships were not allowed to land. In Charleston the tea-laden ships were permitted to dock but their cargo was consigned to a warehouse where it remained for three years until it was sold by patriots in order to help finance the revolution. In Boston, the arrival of three tea ships ignited a furious reaction. The crisis came to a head on December 16, 1773 when as many as 7,000 agitated locals milled about the wharf where the ships were docked. A mass meeting at the Old South Meeting House that morning resolved that the tea ships should leave the harbor without payment of any duty. A committee was selected to take this message to the Customs House to force release of the ships out of the harbor. The Collector of Customs refused to allow the ships to leave without payment of the duty. Stalemate. The committee reported back to the mass meeting and a howl erupted from the meeting hall. It was now early evening and a group of about 200 men, some disguised as Indians, assembled on a near-by hill. Whopping war chants, the crowd marched two-by-two to the wharf, descended upon the three ships and dumped their offending cargos of tea into the harbor waters. Most colonists applauded the action while the reaction in London was swift and vehement. In March 1774 Parliament passed the Intolerable Acts which among other measures closed the Port of Boston. The fuse that led directly to the explosion of American independence was lit. Take your tea and shove it. George Hewes was a member of the band of Indians that boarded the tea ships that evening. His recollection of the event was published some years later. We join his story as the group makes its way to the tea-laden ships:It was now evening, and I immediately dressed myself in the costume of an Indian, equipped with a small hatchet, which I and my associates denominated the tomahawk, with which, and a club, after having painted my face and hands with coal dust in the shop of a blacksmith, I repaired to Griffins wharf, where the ships lay that contained the tea. When I first appeared in the street after being thus disguised, I fell in with many who were dressed, equipped and painted as I was, and who fell in with me and marched in order to the place of our destination. .ub0d1d118c9678783e701c0082536081d , .ub0d1d118c9678783e701c0082536081d .postImageUrl , .ub0d1d118c9678783e701c0082536081d .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .ub0d1d118c9678783e701c0082536081d , .ub0d1d118c9678783e701c0082536081d:hover , .ub0d1d118c9678783e701c0082536081d:visited , .ub0d1d118c9678783e701c0082536081d:active { border:0!important; } .ub0d1d118c9678783e701c0082536081d .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .ub0d1d118c9678783e701c0082536081d { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .ub0d1d118c9678783e701c0082536081d:active , .ub0d1d118c9678783e701c0082536081d:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .ub0d1d118c9678783e701c0082536081d .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .ub0d1d118c9678783e701c0082536081d .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .ub0d1d118c9678783e701c0082536081d .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .ub0d1d118c9678783e701c0082536081d .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .ub0d1d118c9678783e701c0082536081d:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .ub0d1d118c9678783e701c0082536081d .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .ub0d1d118c9678783e701c0082536081d .ub0d1d118c9678783e701c0082536081d-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .ub0d1d118c9678783e701c0082536081d:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Gay Parenting EssayWhen we arrived at the wharf, there were three of our number who assumed an authority to direct our operations, to which we readily submitted. They divided us into three parties, for the purpose of boarding the three ships which contained the tea at the same time. The name of him who commanded the division to which I was assigned was Leonard Pitt. The names of the other commanders I never knew. We were immediately ordered by the respective commanders to board all the ships at the same time, which we promptly obeyed. The commander of the division to which I belonged, as soon as we were on board the ship, appointed me boatswain, and ordered me to go to the captain and demand of him the keys to the hatches and a dozen candles. I made the demand accordingly, and the captain promptly replied, and delivered the articles; but requested me at the same time to do no damage to the ship or rigging. We then were ordered by our commander to open the hatches and take out all the chests of tea and throw them overboard, and we immediately proceeded to execute his orders, first cutting and splitting the chests with our tomahawks, so as thoroughly to expose them to the effects of the water. In about three hours from the time we went on board, we had thus broken and thrown overboard every tea chest to be found in the ship, while those in the other ships were disposing of the tea in the same way, at the same time. We were surrounded by British armed ships, but no attempt was made to resist us. The next morning, after we had cleared the ships of the tea, it was discovered that very considerable quantities of it were floating upon the surface of the water; and to prevent the possibility of any of its being saved for use, a number of small boats were manned by sailors and citizens, who rowed them into those parts of the harbor wherever the tea was visible, and by beating it with oars and paddles so thoroughly drenched it as to render its entire destruction inevitable.References:Hawkes, James A, Retrospect of the Boston Tea-Party, with a Memoir of George R. T. Hewes (1834) reprinted in Commager, Henry Steele, Morris Richard B., The Spirit of Seventy-Six vol I (1958); Labaree, Benjamin Woods, The Boston Tea Party (1964). Questions: On your own sheet of paper. Based on Hewes account does this sound like a mob action or an organized protest? Explain. According to Hewes, how did the British military respond as the colonists destroyed the tea? Why do you think this was so?According to Hewes, how did the colonists make sure none of the tea could be sold after it had been dumped in the harbor?

Monday, December 2, 2019

Thrasymuchus And Socrates Essays - Socratic Dialogues,

Thrasymuchus And Socrates Thrasymuchus was very hostile against Socrates in Book I. Every attempt that was made to prove Thrasymuchus wrong was badgered by bad comments of Socrates trying to manipulate him and the others. Socrates from the beginning on 336b was asking questions all the way to 347e building up his defense to Thrasymuchus statement that justice is the interest of the stronger party (Pg. 338 Para. C). Socrates disagrees with Thrasymuchus and he states, Surely, then, no doctor, insofar as he is a doctor, seeks or orders what is advantageous to himself, but what is advantageous to his patient? (Pg. 342 Para. D). Thrasymuchus and Socrates agreed to all these professions and what was considered a leader and what wasnt considered a leader. Socrates goes on with this, that a ships captain or ruler wont seek and order to what is advantageous to himself, but what is advantageous to a sailor (Pg. 342 Para. E). Specifically there in those two statements Socrates has already shot down the idea of Thrasym uchus, but here is an example that Thrasymuchus gives to defend himself earlier in the reading: And each makes laws to its own advantage. Democracy makes democratic laws, tyranny makes tyrannical laws, and so on with others. And they declare what they have madewhat is to their own advantageto be just for their subjects, and they punish anyone who goes against this as lawless and unjust. This, then, is what I say justice is, the same in all cities, the advantage of established rule. Since the established rule is surely stronger, anyone who reasons correctly will conclude that the just is the same everywhere, namely, the advantage of the stronger. (Pg. 338 Para. E) At first you could easily agree with Thrasymuchus about his views and the stronger. Socrates fortunately pulls his idea apart and examines the different parts of it. To finally come to a conclusion that yes the stronger do rule over the weaker but not everything they rule on is for their own advantage, but the advantage of the weaker. That is why they are ruled, because they need a control. In my opinion I agree with Socrates and Thrasymuchus at the same time. Back in their days there are many times where rulers took advantage of their power, and heavily exploiting the people and what there worth so they could live the good life. But in modern society (Ex: United States) our government truly rules for the people. To make our lives safer and easier we elect the people to help us rule. Unfortunately, there are times where people do not pick who they rule and you end up having a tyrant (Ex. Cuba). So in both respects, back in the day, and in modern times, what Socrates and Thrasymuchus states are quite true, but Thrasymuchus view is somewhat limited because he thinks that the idea of government is just bad all together. Government brings people together and creates a society to live in. Philosophy

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Greek and Roman Mythology Depicted in Daily Life

Greek and Roman Mythology Depicted in Daily Life Did you know youre already familiar with some of the main gods and goddesses from Greek mythology and some of the main mythical creatures, as well? [See if you can guess who the gods represented by letters are before checking the bottom of this article for answers.] You probably dont need to know Greek mythology. I mean, its not very likely that youll be in a life or death situation where youll have to veer your spaceship away from the Titan (a) and King of the Gods (b) planets and back towards the Love (c), War (d), and Messenger (e) deities in order to find your way back to Earth. Nor will it make very much difference if you fail to recognize the mythological figures behind the name of your car (Saturn or Mercury). However, Greco-Roman mythology is pervasive in Western culture and you probably already know a lot about it: The love goddess Venus, whose name is synonymous with beauty, is featured in song and art. Her name was lent to what used to be called social disease. Adonis, one of her lovers, is synonymous with male beauty. The narcissus flower was originally a vain young man. The laurel was a young nymph who preferred to be turned into a tree to the embraces of Apollo. The space mission Apollo is named after the god of music and prophecy. There is a petroleum company whose logo is the winged horse Pegasus. An automobile muffler company is named for the original man with the golden touch (f). A moving company is named for the Titan who was punished by having to carry the weight of the world on his shoulder (g). One brand of running shoes was named after the goddess of victory (h). A sink cleanser was named for a second-best Greek hero in the Trojan War (i) after Achilles had died. The number one hero gave his name to the word for a long, difficult trip or odyssey. Odysseus also devised the origina l gift that gave us the expression beware of Greeks bearing gifts (Timeo Danaos et dona ferentes). A chocolate candy company is named for the Roman god of war (d). Cereal is named for the Roman goddess of grain (j). The panic button is named for a son of Hermes (k). The list goes on and on. It may not make an appreciable difference to your quality of life, but knowing something about Roman and Greek mythology will give you insight into our cultural heritage, an understanding of the naming of space and exploration missions, and it may help you solve a crossword or two. Mythmans Mythological Influence on Modern Society Etymological Dictionary Classical Cliches Mythological References: (a)Saturn (b)Jupiter (c)Venus) (d)Mars (e)Mercury (f)Midas (g)Atlas (h)Nike (i)Ajax (j)Ceres (k)Pan Famous People BiographiesAncient / Classical History GlossaryMapsLatin Quotations and TranslationsPrimary Texts /Literature and Translations

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Background Information Of Albert Camus English Literature Essays

Background Information Of Albert Camus English Literature Essays Background Information Of Albert Camus English Literature Essay Background Information Of Albert Camus English Literature Essay Albert Camus novel, The Stranger, undertakings his ain position and positions about life personified by the supporter Meursault who is similar to him yet different in many facets based on his character and behaviour. Yara F. Sayah IB1 Antonine International School Ajaltoun Ms. Maya G. El Zoghby January 13-14, 2011 Outline: Introduction Background Information of Albert Camus: -Personal and Education -Death Major Plants Plaies Awards/Prices Manner of Hagiographas Comparison between Albert Camus and Meursault and the relationship between both of them Quotation marks Citations Introduction: You will neer be happy if you continue to seek for what felicity consists ofaˆÂ ¦You will neer populate if you are looking for the significance of lifeaˆÂ ¦ Does nt this quote remind you of a celebrated Gallic author and philosopher? My name is Yara Sayah and I have the pleasance of presenting a celebrated Gallic author and philosopher whose Hagiographas have surely affected my life positively and I hope that following my presentation, you will be inspired to read his Hagiographas. And I wish your life will be positively affected every bit good. In the undermentioned talk, I will be presenting, comparing and contrasting Albert Camus with the supporter of his novel, Meursault, trusting to cast the visible radiation on the relationship between both of them. Background information of Albert Camus: -Personal and instruction: Albert Camus was born in Mondovi, in Algeria, in a on the job category household in 1913. His female parent, Catherine Helene Sintes, came from a household of Spanish beginnings. She was an illiterate cleansing adult female. His male parent, Lucien Auguste Camus worked as an agricultural labourer and died in 1914, after the conflict of the Mane. When his male parent died, Camus was less than a twelvemonth old. In 1923, Camus won a scholarship to the secondary school in Algiers. He studied at that place from 1924 to 1932. Tuberculosis put an terminal to Camus s athletic activities, and this disease troubled him for the remainder of his life! Camus held different occupations in Algiers between the old ages 1935 and 1939. He joined the Communist Party, but his involvement in the plants of Marx and of Engels was to a certain extent superficial. The most of import authors harmonizing to him were Andre Gide and Andre Malraux. In 1936, Camus received his sheepskin of advanced surveies in doctrine in the University of Algiers. He made his first visit to Europe to retrieve his wellness. Camus was active in theatre while his repute of taking writer was turning in Algeria. In 1938, he moved to France. The following twelvemonth, he divorced his first married woman, Simone Hie, who was a morphine nut. He worked for the Alger-Republican from 1938 to 1940. He so married Francine Faure, a piano player and a mathematician. He worked as a reader and editor of Espoir series at Gallimard publishing house in 1943. Camus spent some clip in New York in 1946.He worked as a journalist for lExpress from 1955 to 1956. Camus was be aftering to compose a novel about turning up in Algeria and to direct a theatre of his ain, at the clip of his decease. His unfinished novel, La mort heureuse published in 1970, was written between the old ages 1936-1938. It presented him, or Patrick Meursault, seeking his felicity from Prague to his hometown in Algiers. To gain money, Camus used to take uneven occupations like an helper, a private coach, etc. -Death: On January 4 1960, Camus died at the age of 46, in a auto accident. In his coat pocket was found a train ticket. He had planned to go with his married woman and duplicate kids, Catherine and Jean. The driver of the auto Michel Gallimard his publishing house and close friend, besides died with him in the auto accident. Camus was buried in the Lourmarin graveyard in France. Major plants: Lenvers et lendroit in 1937, the first book of Albert Camus, written at the age of 22 was a aggregation of essays. He dedicated it to Jean Grenier his doctrine instructor. The alien his 2nd novel, foremost appeared in Algeria before the war, and so was published in 1942. Besides in 1942, Camus philosophical essay Le mythe de sisyphe appeared. Camus published his 3rd novel in 1945 La peste an fable of the Nazi business of France. He wrote Lhomme revolte in 1951, a novel that explores the theories and signifiers of humanity s rebellion against authorization. La chute was one of his major plants written from the late fiftiess. This book was published in 1956. In Le Prime Minister homme , published in 1994, Camus charted his secondary school old ages, and the history of his household. The manuscript was found in the auto in which he died. Plaies: Caligula, performed in 1945 and written in 1938. Requiem for a Num in 1956. The misinterpretation in 1944. The State of Siege in 1948. The merely bravos in 1949. The possessed in 1959. Awards/ Prizes: Camus won the Nobel Prize for literature in 1957. Manner of Hagiographas: Camus gained acknowledgment as a major literary figure because of his vigorous, energetic, dynamic, limpid manner of authorship. Comparison between Albert Camus and Meursault and the relationship between both of them: Camus and Meursault were in working category household Camus was one of the taking authors of the Gallic opposition and editor of an belowground newspaper during World War II. And after World War II, people lived the manner Meursault was populating. They did nt hold any hopes and their lone chief end was survival. Camus lived through the World War II and must hold been affected by the decease of the 1000000s of people, and that may be why he wrote that Meursault killed the Arab in such a manner. Quotation marks: The absurd is the indispensable construct and the first truth. Always travel excessively far, because that s where you ll happen the truth. I rebel ; hence I exist. But what is happiness except the simple harmoniousness between a adult male and the life he leads? Autumn is a 2nd spring when every foliage is a flower. Do non wait for the last judgement. It takes topographic point every twenty-four hours. Do nt walk behind me ; I may non take. Do nt walk in forepart of me ; I may non follow. Just walk beside me and be my friend. Citations: hypertext transfer protocol: // hypertext transfer protocol: // hypertext transfer protocol: // hypertext transfer protocol: // ( novel ) hypertext transfer protocol: //

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Venture Capital and Entrepreneurship Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 9000 words

Venture Capital and Entrepreneurship - Essay Example The company is not only selling clothes, it is marketing its products as lifestyle - the lifestyle that the rich deserves and the not so rich to aspire for. The company is the exclusive owner of the brand. The company aims to achieve a 1% share of the market it its first year, then 3% in its second year, and 5% in its third year. Its market is the whole American population but its target markets are upwardly mobile men and women aged 20 to 50 with income of more than $50,000 annually. The Cashmere Collection, Monaco is 100% owned by its parent company, The Zelective Group, and is looking for a venture capitalist to finance the company's operations in Hong Kong by investing $25 million. The online apparel retail industry is growing tremendously. Introducing The Cashmere Collection, Monaco into the Hong Kong through online selling will create huge value for its parent company. The Cashmere Collection is owned by the Zelective Group which is headquartered in Monaco - one of the world's remaining monarchies. According to the group's website, the location of the head office is very strategic as it is very close to some cities which are leading and pioneering in the world of fashion: Milan , Florence , Rome , Paris and London. Currently, Zel Currently, Zelective's business model is wholeselling clothes made from cashmere. Its mission as a wholesale is "to deliver high-end textile products at affordable prices." It sells ready-to-wear and made-to-order cashmere collections. The company's products are made from 100% cashmere which are sourced from the highlands of Inner Mongolia believed to be the origin of the best cashmere fiber in the world (Please see Figure 1 for some of the Cashmere Collections). It has 31 or so collections so far. Cashmere is a type of wool fiber harvested from Cashmere goats. The fiber is characterized to be very soft, with high napability and loft. Cashmere is noted to provide natural light-weight insulation without the bulk. Cashmere is often named drop by celebrities and celebrity stylists as one of their favorite fabrics (InStyle 2009, p. 156). Figure 1 The Cashmere Collection The products of the company are positioned not only as clothing items but fashion items. In Maslow's hierarchy of needs, the Cashmere Collection fulfills a person's safety needs - safety from cold, heat and the weather by providing insulation; and self-esteem needs by providing

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Do you agree that fat is a feminist issue why or why not Essay

Do you agree that fat is a feminist issue why or why not - Essay Example Women indulge in food so that they can be taken more serious in their areas of work, especially by their male colleagues. Losing weight leads to them being overlooked by their male counterparts. Other women have different reasons for being fat. While some opt to grow fat to avoid competition from other women, others do go this direction to de-sexualize themselves, yet others do it because of their mothers’ crazy relationship with food. Women who are fat usually think they are in desperate need of weight loss, yet subconsciously they hold on to the desire to stay fat. They seem to enjoy the advantages that come with being fat. They keep overlooking the very activities that lead them to being fat such as compulsive eating. Orbach shares her experience with trying to lose weight as she opens a window into her life with obesity. Although she had suffered dieting, bingeing and selfhatred for ten years, she got renewed within six months after enrolling for a course on compulsive eating (Wilson par. 5). Women do crazy things in the name of growing thin; some vomit food until it even comes out of the nostrils, some do laxatives, others exercise twice a day for two and a half hour sessions per session, while others try diets such as atkins diet, cabbage soup, south beach and the zone and the long list of despair and self hatred continues. Women count calories, measure grams offat, drink very bitter tasting juices for weeks just to look good on the beach. After doing all this, they realize they feel a lot happier being size 16 than trying to be size 8 (Gordon par. 4). Throughout a lot of exaggeration can be see, images have become sexier in an unattainable manner. These are just the consequences of a social system in which those who wield power take advantage both at home and at the workplace. Some, like Duchess Windsor, believe that a woman cannot be too thin, a sentiment echoed by all fashion and beauty magazines, every television commercial, weight loss

Sunday, November 17, 2019

US-Australia Flights and Their Economic Implications Essay Example for Free

US-Australia Flights and Their Economic Implications Essay Airlines and flights availability have very strong implications upon tourism. And tourism, on the other hand affects the economy. Simply stated, it is not very convenient to reach a certain destination without a speedy transportation medium. Imagine how can you reach Washington from Melbourne if there is no flight connecting these two countries? However, connecting two destinations is not an easy task to do. There are a lot of considerations to be done to make the route successful and advantageous to both the air line company and the passengers. In the case of Australia, which has â€Å"eleven per cent (11%) air space of the earth’s surface† (Efficient Planning 2006, 41) flight region, it is quite easy to setup flights. Taking the flight to Washington from Melbourne, or Australia to the United States of America (USA) nowadays are more convenient. In fact recent talks between the officials of these two countries is to have â€Å"open skies† (â€Å"US-Australia†Ã‚   2008) to promote competition and thereby encouraging tourism. Currently, it is the Australian Qantas that takes the lead when flights between the two mentioned countries are concerned. â€Å"At the moment Australian airline Qantas has by far the most non-stop services to the US, and reportedly generates up to 20% of its profits from the route†, according to the BBC report. The weekly non-stop flights between these two countries carried out by Qantas consist of forty-eight (48) trips in all. Can you imagine the exchange of tourism earnings between the US a and Australia only be these flights by a single airline company? Aside from Qantas, other airlines planning to compete in bringing in passengers to Australia from the USA and vice versa are Virgin Blues V Australia and Singapore Airlines. Currently however, there are fourteen (14) weekly flights aside from that of Qantas which is offered by the United Airlines. These flights, totaling to sixty-two are only for the non-stop classification. How about if those with connecting flights are added here? More exchange of tourists can be done if more flights would be counted. Recently, the flights departing the USA going Australia has given   49,000 visitors from the  United States of America only for the 28-day month of February 2008 bringing the total for the two months of 2008, January and   February, to 86,100, â€Å"an  increase of 7 per cent  relative to the same period of the previous year.† (â€Å"February 2008 Highlights†) In fact there is a steady increase of arrivals from the USA to Australia as the year moves away from 2001, the time when security issues on air travels were so critical. The concerns on airline and airport security according to Beirman (2003, 53) became one of the most important challenges facing the world of tourism industry. Airlines and airport authorities worldwide had actively addressed this issue since air piracy first emerged as a terrorist tactic as far back as 1960s.   Beirman (54) further noted that   â€Å"the drop in both domestic and international airline patronage coupled with the reduction of scheduled air services was expected to flow through to patronage of hotels, resort and attractions. Indeed, as stated, the number of passengers is also reflective of the tourism industry because without a means of transportation, tourists cannot just reach where they want to go! And reciprocally, without passengers, flights/airline routes cannot simply survive. On the other hand, things causing people to travel include publicities such as in 1999 when   Qantas airline gained so much profit despite the economic challenges. It was attributed to exposure and publicity related to games would also result in a longer-term growth period  (Qantas Flies High as, 3). Furthermore, there were 44,900 visitors from the  United States of America  during December 2007 bringing the total for 2007 to 459,700, (â€Å"December 2007 Highlights† 2008) an  increase of one (1%) per cent  relative to 2006 while there were a total of 456,000 (â€Å"December 2006 Highlights† 2008) US American arrivals in 2006, a two (2%) per cent rise relative  to 2005, while in 2005, 446,200 (â€Å"December 2005†, 2008)   American visitors arrived,   making an increase of three (3%) per cent  relative to 2004 records. Table 1 American Flyers to Australia (2004-2007) Year Head Count Yearly Increase in % 2007 459.700 0,81 2006   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   456.000 2,20 2005 446.200 3,00 2004 433.200 Base   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   What are the economic implications of the above result? Pairing with recent data above, the period covering 2006 and 2007, the tourism industry in Australia contributes 3.7% to the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and 3.4% to the country’s Gross value added amount. Moreover the industry employed 482, 800 individuals comprising 4.7% of the total Australian employment (â€Å"Market Insights† 2008). It surely is a very positive output caused by tourism and one of the contributing factors are the flights and inflows of tourists and visitors mentioned in the preceding discussions. On the other hand, Australian visitor arrivals to the 2003 summed up to approximately 582,000 giving a 12% rise from the previous year (â€Å"International Arrivals†, 2005). The following year, a 4% increase followed to 603,000 arrivals (â€Å"International Arrivals†, 2006). In fact the two countries exhibit similar trends, increasing flights as the years move away from 2001 and the number of arrivals are almost reciprocally comparable. In the US, more flights mean more commissions to or incentives to the travel and tourism industry and economy. According to Ioannides and Debbage (1998, 120), through travel agencies commissions, the airline industry can manipulate the type of advice given by the agents. This means more monetary circulation in the market and naturally, as previously mentioned, the ensuing effects to the hotel and accommodation industry, beaches and attractions business, museums, and any other tourist spots in the U.S. And not to be missed, the corresponding taxation paid by those earning entities. In fact, as Hall, and Page (2002, 2) stated, tourism, as with other forms of economic activity, therefore reflects the increasing interconnectedness of the international economy. Indeed, by its very nature in terms of connections between generating areas, destinations and travel routes or paths, tourism is perhaps a phenomenon which depends more than most not only on transport, service and trading networks but also on social, political and environmental relationships between the consumers and producers of the tourist experience. Furthermore tourism can be viewed as a primary industry which, through visitor spending, increases job opportunities and tax revenues, and enhances the communitys overall economic base  (Hall, and Page 2002, 5) Thus, these are what those flights and arrivals are all about: profits and taxes, money circulation and improved economy. Works Cited Beirman, David. 2003.  Restoring Tourism Destinations in Crisis : A Strategic Marketing Approach /. Crows Nest, N.S.W.: Allen Unwin. http December 2004 Highlights:// December 2005 Highlights, Latest Visitors Arrival data. Tourism Australia. December 2006 Highlights, Latest Visitors Arrival data. Tourism Australia. December 2007 Highlights, Latest Visitors Arrival data. Tourism Australia. Efficient Planning of Long Distance Flights Path. 2006. Airline Fleet and Network Management, January. . February 2008 Highlights, Latest Visitors Arrival Data. 2008. Tourism Australia. ttp:// International Arrivals to the United States for December, Fourth Quarter, and Annual 2005. ITA, Office of Travel and Tourism Industries. International Arrivals to the United States for Fourth Quarter and Annual 2006. ITA, Office of Travel and Tourism Industries. Ioannides, Dimitri and Keith G. Debbage, eds. 1998.  The Economic Geography of the Tourist Industry: A Supply-Side Analysis. London: Routledge. Hall, C. Michael, and Stephen J. Page. 2002.  The Geography of Tourism and Recreation: Environment, Place, and Space. London: Routledge. Market Insights, Tourism Facts. 2008. Torism Australia. Qantas Flies High as Net Profits Rise. 1999.  Business Asia, August 30, 3. US-Australia flight talks begin could lead to cheaper flights across the Pacific.  2008. BBC News, February, 8.

Friday, November 15, 2019

Did Temperament Shape Catharine Parr Traill and Susanna Moodie Attitude

Back in the 1830’s when it was unimaginable to journey for months to a foreign country so uncultivated; two naà ¯ve sisters did just that. The Backwoods of Canada is a straightforward, realistic account complied of letters written back home of Catharine Parr Traill’s first years in Canada. Roughing It in the Bush is a witty, autobiographical tale written by her younger sister, Susanna Moodie. Both sisters came to Canada with the similar expectations to improve their opportunity in the social ladder in society. My goal in this paper is to show how [t]heir attitude to becoming pioneers was shaped by their temperaments. Catharine’s attitude is one quiet acceptance and is reflected in her no-nonsense writing, whereas Susanna’s attitude first appears to have an edgier, less optimistic outlook on her new homeland, but she covers it up with a dry sense of humour in style and dialogue when reflecting on her Canadian experience. I will compare the sisters background briefly to show their temperament before coming to Canada. I will discuss how choices made shaped both the sisters initial success and failure to Upper Canada. Finally, I will compare the differences in the sisters attitudes and how it is reflected in both their books. Upon examination, we first must look at the sisters’ temperament and attitude towards life. Their attitude on life comes out in their writing and we can sense how they would perceive their new homeland, Canada in the 1832. Catharine, the elder by 23 months was considered to be the â€Å"sweet-tempered and placid, was her father’s favourite child,† and Susanna, the youngest, â€Å"was the impulsive and defiant [one], with a wicked sense of humour† (Gray, 17, 18). Both sisters’ traits are clearly exposed in their approach t... ...that was uncensored and realistic of her experiences as a rural pioneer with a farm. Catharine definitely had the easier time and it shows in her language with her matter-of-fact account that was written to help other women become successful pioneers (reference). After researching these two sisters, I realize that they both had fortitude beyond what I would be able to endure if I were in either of their shoes. Works Cited Parr Traill, Catharine. â€Å"The Backwoods of Canada.† An Anthology of Canadian Literature in English. 3rd ed. Ed.Donna Bennett, and Russell Brown. Don Mills, ON:Oxford, 2010, 102-108, Print. Moodie, Susanna. â€Å"Roughing It in the Bush.† An Anthology of Canadian Literature in English. 3rd ed. Ed.Donna Bennett, and Russell Brown. Don Mills, ON:Oxford, 2010, 102-108, Print. Gray, Charlotte. Sisters In The Wilderness. Toronto: Penguin, 1999. Print

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Captains of Industry Vs. Robber Barons

John Davidson Rockefeller was once the world's richest person. He made his money in the oil business and later became a famous philanthropist. Rockefeller was born in Richford, N. Y. When he was 14 years old, his family moved to Cleveland. Rockefeller started work as a clerk at a small produce firm. He then formed a partnership in a grain commission house. He used the profits from that to enter the oil business at 23. At that time, the production of oil and refining was a little organization. Rockefeller set out to make the industry orderly and efficient.Fifteen years later, he achieved his goal of having oil products flow from producer to consumer controlled by one company–The Standard Oil Company. Standard Oil, which was established in 1870, grew out of several oil companies owned by Rockefeller, his younger brother William, and some associates. Rockefeller also concentrated on transportation. He built tank cars and distribution systems. In 1882, Rockefeller organized the St andard Oil Trust. He then controlled almost all U. S. oil refining and distribution and much of the world's oil trade.The immensity of Rockefellers holdings and public criticism of his business methods caused the Ohio Supreme Court to dissolve the Standard Oil Trust in 1892. From 1895 to 1897, Rockefeller gradually retired from active business. By that time, he had started charitable activities. He helped found the University of Chicago in 1890, and by 1910 his gifts to that organization totaled $35 million. Rockefeller spent the rest of his life establishing the foundations through which he gave his money to the public.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Ac505 Course Project a

Course Project Hints: The beginning cash balance for April, is the cash from March 31 in the Asset section of the balance sheet. In the merchandise purchases budget, in April, we need 50% of March purchases (that amount is also given to us 3/31 Accounts payable of $100,000 on page 415). Therefore, Total cash disbursements for April is (50% x $316,000 April purchases) + ($100,000 remaining March purchases to be paid) = $258,000. Class, Here are some hints. Lets start from the beginning: SALES BUDGET: First, take budgeted sales in units for each month of April, May, and June, and multiply by the selling price of $10/unit.You will get TOTAL SALES which you will also need to plug into the Income Statement later. For example, April should be 65,000 units times $10 = $650,000 Total Sales. For your Schedule of Expected Cash Collections, each months units must be multiplied by the $10 selling price to yield the months sales. Per page 414, we know 10% of a given months sales is collected in t he 2nd month following the sale, 70% in the month following the sale, and 20% in the month of sale. Therefore, for example Total Cash Collection for April will consist of the last 10% of February sales and 70% of March sales and 20% of April sales: (26,000 Feb units x $10 x 0. 0) +(40,000 March units x $10 x 0. 70) + (65,000 April units x $10 x 0. 20) = $436,000. You have to repeat the same process for May and June that I just did for April, and then add up all three months to get the quarter. Next, we have the Merchandise Purchases Budget. Total Needs are Budgeted sales in units plus Budgeted ending inventory (budgeted ending inventory =40% of the next months sales in units according to the terms of the problem). Once we have Total Needs, we subtract the Beginning Inventory (which of course is the previous months ending inventory) to get Required Unit Purchases.So for April, that is 65,000 April budgeted units + (0. 40 x 100,000 May budgeted units) = 105,000 units Total Needs less ending March inventory which is the same as April beginning inventory (which is 0. 40 x 65,000 April units = 26,000 units) = 79,000 units required purchases. [Be careful with the inventory: you cant just pull the $104,000 inventory off of the balance sheet on page 415 because the balance sheet is in dollars not units, so if you want to use that balance sheet inventory figure, you have to say $104,000 divided by $4 cost = 26,000 units. Getting back to our 79,000 units required purchases, now multiply direct materials cost of $4 times the Required Unit Purchases to get Required Dollar purchases, which would be 79,000 Required April Unit Purchases x $4 = $316,000 as Required dollar purchases for April. [Again, be careful, on page 414 the problem states that only 50% of any given months purchases are paid for during the month of purchase, with the remaining 50% paid for in the following month, that fact will come in handy for the next step: the Budgeted Cash Disbursements for merchandis e purchases.For April, we need to therefore know what 50% of March purchases are (that is also given to us 3/31 Accounts payable of $100,000 on page 415). Therefore, Total cash disbursements for April is (50% x $316,000 April purchases )+($100,000 remaining March purchases to be paid)= $258,000 which we will need in the next step for the Cash Budget. CASH BUDGET Remember that the beginning Cash balance of the month is the previous months ending cash balance. For April, we can use the 3/31 Cash ending balance of $74,000 as stated on the page 415 Balance Sheet for 3/31.Next we add receipts from Customers (which we calculated in the Schedule of Expected Cash Collections as $436,000 for April, giving us Total Cash Available for April as $510,000. For the Disbursements, we already know what the Purchase of Inventory figure is that we calculated in the Budgeted Cash Disbursements (recall it was $258,000). Advertising is $200,000 per month per page 414; Rent is $18,000 per month per page 4 14; salaries are $106,000 per month per page 414; Sales commissions are 4% of Sales, so for April that is 65,000 units times $10 x 0. 04 = $26,000. Utilities are fixed at $7,000 each month.We don’t have to consider Depreciation in the Cash Budget because depreciation is not a cash outlay. The problem states that Insurance is prepaid so we know that for this problem it will not appear on the Cash Budget just like depreciation wont (but remember that both Depreciation and Insurance will show up as expenses to be matched against revenue when we do the Income Statement later). The problem states that Dividends are paid at $15,000 per quarter in the first month of each quarter, so that means April (but not May or June) will have $15,000 for Dividends pay out in the Cash Budget.The problem also states that equipment will be purchased in May at $16,000 and in June at 40,000 (but not in April, so we can ignore the cash outlay for equipment when calculating April Total Disbursements ( which are therefore $630,000. ) Since April Total Cash Available is only $510,000 if we subtract the Disbursements of $630,000, we have a deficiency, -$120,000. Because the problem states that minimum ending cash balance must be $50,000 each month, we know we have to borrow some money from the bank. We need $120,000 to bring cash to zero plus $50,000 for the minimum ending cash balance for total borrowings of $170,000.This $170,000 figure is already in increments of $1,000, so we dont need to round up our borrowings. (Note: When you do the cash budget you should have determined a deficiency (more cash outlay than revenue) in each of months April & May requiring you to borrow, but in June, you should have calculated an excess of receipts over disbursements leaving you money to repay interest and then principal in June. As to the interest calculation in June, lets review it: Rate is 1%, so Interest should be the sum of (the amount you borrowed in April of 170,000 times 3 months x 0. 0 1) and (the amount you borrowed in May times 2 months times 0. 01).The reason that you have to include the month of June in your count of principal balance of loan amounts to multiple interest rate by is because those amounts were outstanding as owed to the bank during the month of June even though you didnt borrow any additional amounts during June. Remember, after you figured out the interest expense in June, you can calculate how much principal you can pay back (in increments of $1,000s) being careful to leave a cash balance of $50,000. P. S. April financing should be $170,000 as I showed above. When you calculate Mays borrowings, don't even think about Aprils financing, do the calculation independently.You wont pay any interest until June (dont worry about accruing it for a cash budget, and since the income statement is for all three months anyway, we can think of the June cash outlay for interest expense as paying off everything that would have been accrued anyway: please see m y calculation for the June interest payment above (hint $5,300 is interest payment see my excel notes in the sample). You must pay off all interest due before the bank lets you pay any principal. One last Hint: Ending cash balance for the quarter is the same as June 30 cash balance, and should be $94,700.For all of the other Quarterly amounts, you can add the April, May and June amounts. If you havent fallen asleep reading yet, on to the Income Statement and Balance Sheet: The income statement reflects revenue and expenses over a PERIOD in time (here the quarter including April, May and June). To prepare the income statement, your sales revenue should be the sum of the quarter that you calculated as TOTAL SALES (you calculated that figure for each month by multiplying budgeted sales in units each month (total of 215,000 units) times selling price per unit of $10).For the quarter the COST OF GOODS SOLD is the 215,000 units times the direct materials cost of $4 per unit. Then the COMM ISSIONS expense is 4% of sales (so 0. 04 x 215,000 units x $10). The sum of the variable cost of goods sold and commissions yields a subtotal of variable costs, and then after that amount is subtracted from sales, you get the Contribution Margin. Fixed Expenses is next, which are the Quarterly amounts you calculated in the Cash Budget for Advertising, Rent, Salaries, and Utilities, except that you now need to include DEPRECIATION expenses (that did not appear in the cash budget since depreciation is not a cash outlay).Also, because the problem stated that INSURANCE had been prepaid, insurance did not appear in the cash budget, but it is a fixed expense that must be recorded each month like depreciation in order to match revenues against expenses. You dont need to include the Equipment purchases on the income statement as expenses because they are capitalized as assets on the balance sheet instead of expensed on the income statement per Generally Accepted Accounting Principles. Divid ends are a reduction of Retained earnings on the balance sheet and are not expensed on the income statement per GAAP.Once you total the fixed expenses and subtract them from the Contribution margin, you have Net Operating Income. Now, you have to subtract the total INTEREST expense that you calculated in the Cash budget to get Net Income. (Note: When you did the cash budget you should have determined a deficiency (more cash outlay than revenue) in each of months April ; May requiring you to borrow, but in June, you should have calculated an excess of receipts over disbursements leaving you money to repay interest and then principal. Were you confident about your interest calculation in June?Lets review it: Interest should be the sum of (the amount you borrowed in April times 3 months x 1%) and (the amount you borrowed in May times 2 months times 1%). The reason that you have to include the month of June in your count of principal balance of loan amounts to multiple interest rate by is because those amounts were outstanding as owed to the bank during the month of June even though you didn't borrow any additional amounts during June. Remember, AFTER you figured out the interest expense, you can calculate how much principal you can pay back (in increments of $1,000s) being careful to leave a cash balance of $50,000. Actually, since you should have enough to pay the entire interest amount and the entire loan amount in June and still have 94,700 left as ending June cash balance. ) Please note: The quarter ending cash balance is the same as the June ending cash balance since the last day of the quarter is June 30th. This in contrast to the revenue and variable expenses which will be the amounts that represent the SUM of April, May and June as I described above, and so will the fixed expenses and interest be the sum of the three months worth (not just the June amounts.In other words, only the ending cash balance will be the amount for June. ) Balance Sheet Help The b alance sheet is given at a POINT in time (unlike the Income statement that is for a period of time). This means that all amounts will represent balances at June 30. The other thing to remember about the balance sheet is that total assets ALWAYS equals the sum of liabilities and stockholders equity. Assets The ending balance of CASH that you calculated when doing the Cash Budget will therefore be your line item for cash on the balance sheet.ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE : Since page 414 states 20% of a months sales are collected in the month of sale, 70% in the following month, and 10% in the second month, we know at June 30th, we still have 10% of Mays sales outstanding to be collected in July, and 80% of Junes sales (60% of which will be collected in July and 10% of which will be collected in August). This means we have for your June ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE, you have 10% of May sales (which is 100,000 May units x $10 x 0. 10 = $100,000) plus 80% of June sales (which is 50,000 June units x $10 x 0. 80 = $400,000) for a total June 30 A/R of $500,000.Recall that the problem states that ending INVENTORY should be 40% of next months sales. (since inventory is to be 40% of the next months sales multiply 0. 40 x direct materials product cost of $4 x 30,000 July sales units). Unexpired INSURANCE is next (think of this as Prepaid Insurance: Beginning balance as of March 31st was $21,000 according to the 3/31 balance sheet n page 415, so from that amount you now have to subtract each of the amounts of insurance that represent the amounts that would have been due for April, May, and June, since those periods have already lapsed as of the date of the June 30th balance sheet you are preparing.Hint: you already calculated the amount of insurance you now need to subtract when you prepared the fixed expense portion of the income statement. FIXED ASSETS NET OF DEPRECIATION: Again, start with the ending balance on the March 31st balance sheet, then add the purchase in May and the purchase i n June and subtract the three months of depreciation expenses that have elapsed since the March 31st balance sheet date.Hint: you already calculated the amount of depreciation you now need to subtract when you prepared the fixed expense portion of the income statement. Total up all the assets. LIABILITIES ACCOUNTS PAYABLE (purchases): Remember that the problem states how purchases are paid: 50% in the month of purchase and the remaining 50% in the following month. Therefore, at the end of June we know that 50% of June purchases remain unpaid, so A/P is 50% of the required dollar purchases for June that you calculated when you prepared the Merchandise purchases budget.DIVIDENDS PAYABLE: The problem states that dividends of $15,000 are paid in the first month following each quarter, so we know that the $15,000 dividends that accrued during the quarter comprised of April, May and June wont be paid until July, and therefore have to be listed as payable as of June 30th for your balance s heet. Recall that dividends of $15,000 for the first quarter were paid in April, so the beginning balance of $15,000 in this account is not there anymore. LOANS PAYABLE: Beginning balance is zero, so all we have is the sum of borrowings during April and May (there were no June borrowings) MINUS June repayments.Technically, we would also have to add the interest accrued on the borrowings but we could subtract it right back out because it was paid in full in our Cash budget as of June 30. EQUITY CAPITAL STOCK of $800,000 did not change since March31 since the problem does not state that the company authorized any additional stock or bought back any treasury stock. RETAINED EARNINGS: There are two ways to come up with this figure The quick and dirty way is to take total assets and from that figure subtract the sum of (Accounts Payable + Dividends Payable+ Loan Payable + Capital Stock).The correct way is to take the Beginning Balance of Retained Earnings as of March 31st, which is $580, 000 and add the net income you calculated from the budgeted income statement and then subtract the $15,000 dividends declared since the last balance sheet date. (In our case the dividends were only declared and not paid because they reside in the dividends payable account as noted above, but that does not affect the computation. ) Hope this helps! p. s.Heres more hints: On the master budget, for the project budget, in the Total Column, the beginning inventory is from the first period/quarter and the ending inventory is from the last period/quarter. This is a common error. This is also an issue on the direct materials budget (beginning and ending raw materials) and the cash budgets (cash). On the cash budget schedule, the ending cash from the first period will be the beginning cash for the following period.The ending March 31 cash balance has to be the April 1st opening balance of cash on the Cash Budget, and it is also the beginning cash balance of the â€Å"quarter† column o n the Cash Budget. Since insurance is only paid in November, for the CASH BUDGET it is only a line item in Nov. We know in Nov the payment will be 3000 x 12 = 36,000 since per page 14 the company allocates 3000/mo to insurance expense (but for our purposes all we care about is the fact that the company allocates insurance expense at 3000/mo, meaning 3000 x 3 = 9,000 for the income statement for any three month quarter. Insurance will also appear on the balance sheet since the prepaid portion of it will be a current asset (it is a current as opposed to a long term asset since it will be all used up with a year). Depreciation is stated at $14,000/mo (again depreciation is not a cash outlay, but it is an expense on the income statement with a corresponding amount going each month to accumulated depreciation account on the balance sheet (the accumulated depreciation acts as a contra account to bring down he balance of the equipment cost sheet line item on the balance sheet. ) The amount of inventory really doesn't have anything to do with depreciation, since depreciation is a means of writing off equipment over its useful life. Assuming a five year life, a 14,000 monthly depreciation expense would mean the original cost of the equipment would be about $840,000 (I have one client who has one replacement part that costs that amount for just one manufacturing molding machine, so don't be surprised by this large monthly depreciation expense! )

Friday, November 8, 2019

International Space Station essays

International Space Station essays The International Space Station is an idea for an international cooperative scientific environment. The station maintains a low orbit around the Earth. This is 217 to 285 miles above the Earth. The station itself is under construction while in orbit. Construction started in 1998 and will take years to complete. It is estimated to be completed by the year 2006. Sixteen separate nations are working together to complete this massive laboratory. The United States is working with Russia, Japan, Canada, Brazil, the United Kingdom, France, Germany, Belgium, Italy, the Netherlands, Denmark, Norway, Spain, Switzerland, and Sweden. Each country is contributing to the construction of the station. The station is made up of more than 100 components and will take 44 more trips with the three main space vessels to complete it. It will take nearly 2000 man-hours and nearly 60 space walks to construct and maintain the station. After completion, the estimated lifespan of the station is close to ten years. The estimated cost of the station will be between 35 and 37 billion dollars. Once completed, the station will have several pressurized living modules and will The station will be comprised of several major components, such as the Control Module. This contains two rocket engines with command and control systems. Three Nodes on the station connect the sections of the station together. A Service Module contains the life support systems and the living space for the crew during assembly. Six different Scientific Laboratories contain the scientific equipment and controls a robotic arm on the exterior of the station. This arm can manipulate the cargo of incoming shuttles. A Laboratory Module is where the scientific experiments take place. The low gravity makes many experiments possible; in the fields of microgravity, life sciences, Earth sciences, and Space sciences. The Truss is a long spine used ...

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

How to Easily Get Lithium From a Battery

How to Easily Get Lithium From a Battery You can obtain pure lithium from a lithium battery. Its an adult-only project and even then, you need to use safety precautions, but its simple and easy. Safety Precautions Lithium reacts with moisture and may spontaneously ignite. Dont allow it to come in contact with your skin. Also, cutting into a battery often causes a short circuit, which may produce a fire. While this is not unexpected or problematic, it does mean you need to perform this procedure on a fire-safe surface such as concrete, preferably outdoors. Eye and skin protection is a must. Materials You want a new battery for this project since the lithium can be extracted as a relatively uncorroded metal foil. If you use a used battery youll get a product that might be better for making colored fire, but it will be impure and fragile. New Lithium Battery (e.g., AA or 9V lithium battery)Safety Glasses or GogglesGlovesInsulated Wirecutters and Pliers Procedure Basically, you cut the top off the battery to expose the roll of lithium metal foil inside. The trick is to do this without shorting out the battery. While you dont want a fire, be prepared for one. Simply drop the battery and let it burn out. This should not take long and usually wont damage much of the lithium metal in the battery. Once the fire is out, proceed. Youre wearing protective gear and know not-to-panic if you see fire, right? Okay then, use the cutters to carefully remove the top from the battery. This is when youre most likely to accidentally cause a short. Try to cut the tough outer rim of the casing without hitting the central core.Quickly cut any connections and remove any rings or disks from the top of the battery. If the battery starts to get hot, you likely have a short. Cut away anything suspicious to address the issue. Cut and peel back the casing to expose the metal core, which is the lithium. Use pliers to extract the lithium. Try not to puncture the central plastic container, as this can lead to a short and fire. Its sort of like playing that Operation game except if you touch something you shouldnt, youll heat up the metal and potentially see the fire.Pull away the plastic tape or wrap and unroll the metal. The shiny metal is aluminum foil, which you may remove and discard. The black powdery material is the electrolyt e, which you can wrap in plastic and discard in a fire-safe container. Remove any additional plastic. You should be left with sheets of lithium metal, which will oxidize as you watch from silver to brown. Either use the lithium right away or store it right away. It degrades quickly in air, especially humid air. You can use the lithium for projects (for example, it burns bright white as a metal while its salts impart a red color to flames or fireworks) or store the lithium under liquid paraffin oil.

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Colonial Settlements in Kenya and Southern Rhodesia from 1900-1965 Thesis

Colonial Settlements in Kenya and Southern Rhodesia from 1900-1965 - Thesis Example Kenya During the periods of war the Imperial design adopted by British for Kenya proved to have a paralyzing effect between the opposing demands of ‘West coast’ and a ‘South African Policy’ which is referred to as â€Å"the conflicting requirements of peasants and settler political economy†. The late Nineteenth century imperialism as demonstrated by the British rule on Africa was the final sortie using which the capitalist system of the world occupied the last continent to remain partly beyond its pale. The system comprised of different types of production modes which were connected at the level of exchange and these all were dominated by the most advanced forms of capital.2 The scuttle for colonies in Africa reached its highest pitch in 1884 when Africa was decided to be partitioned after the Berlin conference among the European colonial rivals. The Brtish acquired the land which is known as Kenya today.3 As the railway project concluded, white settl ement was initiated in Kenya in the early 20th century led by Lord Delamere, Pugnacious a gentleman farmer from Cheshire, England. Lord Delamere was not familiar with the characteristics of the land- its pests and wildlife; hence he faced disasters in his initial ventures. But by 1912, Delamere along with his followers was able to earn a profit by starting mixed agricultural farms which made other Europeans follow suit. They relocated to the highlands near Nairobi. The process of colonization was interrupted by the World War I as two thirds of the 3000 white settlers in the region formed impromptu cavalry units and started searching the Germans in the neighboring places like Tanganyika. After the war was over the settlement process again resumed where the veterans were offered subsidized land in the highlands around Nairobi. The net effect of it was an increase in the white Kenyan population in the area. The population rose from 9000 in 1920 to 80000 in the 19504. The white settleme nt at the fertile region of Kenya ignited grievances among the natives of the land, which grew stronger day by day and in the year 1930 the Kikuyu people spearheaded demonstration against the British to reclaim Kenya under the leadership of Johnstone Kamau, who later came to be known as Jomo Kenyatta and eventually became the first president of Kenya. Initially Kenyatta joined the East Africa Association whose major campaigns were based on issues like land reform, better wages, education and medical facilities for the residents of the country. At the period of British rule it was obvious that these issues will be addressed but will be limited for the region where the Whites were settled and not for the natives. And in the all white legislative council it was difficult to make them hear the interest of the original resident of the land. Therefore Kenyatta soon joined a more forthright association, the Kikuyu Central Association which was eventually banned for its demonstration and ca mpaigns against the White rule. It was in 1929; Kenyatta set out for London with the help of the money supplied by the Indian communists to appeal the case of Kikuyu with the British Colonial Secretary. As can be

Friday, November 1, 2019

Hong Kongs Economy Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Hong Kongs Economy - Research Paper Example In 2006 alone, Hong Kong with its population of 6.857 million enjoyed the recognition of being the world's freest (1st of 155) economy (Heritage 2007: 205) for the thirteenth straight year, the 11th (of 125 countries) most competitive nation on earth (World Economic Forum 2006: xvii), the 6th richest economy in the world in terms of per capita GDP at current market prices (HKSAR 2007: 14), and the world's 2nd most competitive economy after the U.S. (IMD 2006: 7). Before going into a discussion of Hong Kong's economic statistics in the last ten years, it would be appropriate to summarize the main events that took place during the period which had noticeable effects on its economic performance. Shortly after the handover in July 1997, Hong Kong was caught in the middle of the Asian financial crisis that lasted until late 1998. As its economy rebounded, it was then hit by the global economic downturn in 2000-2001. By 2002, Hong Kong's economy was recovering with the rest of the world when it was hit by a health scare: fatal cases of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) turned away tourists and led many skilled workers to leave. From 2004-2005, political problems related to pro-democracy strikes by locals created instability that led to the resignation of its Chief Executive, Tung Chee Hwa, who was into his second term of office. These events explain some of the movements in Hong Kong's economic indicators during the ten-year period. Nature of Hong Kong's Economy Hong Kong's economic performance in the last ten years can be better understood by reviewing briefly how its economy functions. Hong Kong was "developed" by its former British colonizers in the mid-19th century as a free port and evolved into the world's freest economy by the time of its handover in 1997. Its economy enjoys a liberal investment regime without trade barriers, no discrimination against overseas investors, free capital movement, an established rule of law, transparent regulations, low tax rates, a government that does not interfere with the private sector, allowing businessmen to do anything to make money within the law. Supported by world-class infrastructure (airport, seaports, road transport, energy, communications, housing, etc.) and highly-skilled labor from all over the world, Hong Kong is home to the regional offices of thousands of multinational corporations. Its main natural resources are its people, government policies, an ideal seaport, and location close to China. Hong Kong transformed its economy from one that was manufacturing-based and export-led after the communist takeover of China in 1949 into one that is now dominated by services - trading, legal and financial services, tourism, property ownership and development, and re-export of goods manufactured in China. Latest figures (in 2006) show that services accounted for over 90% of Hong Kong's Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of HK$ 1.47 trillion, and that this is even exceeded by the value of its goods (mostly re-exports from China) amounting to HK$ 5.07 trillion (HKSAR 2007: 20-24; Heritage 2007: 205-206). With the exchange rate at a rel atively stable level of HK$ 7.768 per U.S. Dollar (US$) in 2006, these figures translate into US$ 189.2 billion of GDP, a per capita income of US$ 27,598 and total annual trade of US$ 652.7 billion. Economic Indicators The following key economic indicato

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

All Fungi Are Not the Same Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

All Fungi Are Not the Same - Essay Example Basidiomycota phylum develops through sexual means. Basidiospores are formed on club-shaped structures known as basidia. A terminal hyphal cell produces spores called basidium. In this phylum, asexual reproduction occurs, but occasionally. Some of its typical examples include the mushrooms rusts and toadstools. The Zygomycota phylum develops by both sexual and asexual means. They have thallus, which is composed of hyphae, which elongates through the growth of a tip. Multinucleate hyphae do not have septa except for the reproductive structures. When hyphae fuse, this directly leads to the formation of a zygote. In the process of zygote formation, meiosis occurs shortly before it germinates. The typical examples of the phylum include the Rhizopus commonly referred to as the black bread mold. As Vandenkoornhuyse, et al. (2002) observes, generally, fungi are eukaryotic organisms that are neither plants nor animals. As heterotrophic organisms that are devoid of chlorophyll, they obtain their nutrients through absorption. Glycogen is the primary carbohydrate stored in fungi. Fungi excrete enzymes into their food source and live within an external digestion. Ascomycota live in specific locations often forming symbiotic relationships with plant roots, stems, leaves and algae to obtain nutrients. Basidiomycota are mutualistic symbionts and obtain nutrients from living hosts, roots, vascular plants and insects. They obtain sugars and nutrients produced through photosynthesis. Zygomycota makes use of light regulation for its development and growth. Light directs the growth of structures and activates the metabolic pathways. Zygomycetes grow in a wide range of environments and temperatures, with some growing in aerobic conditions. However, most are terrestrial meaning that they g row in liquid culture, at salty concentrations and high water activities to obtain nutrients. They can also be found in decaying animal and

Monday, October 28, 2019

Philosophy of life Essay Example for Free

Philosophy of life Essay ?I saw this quote in Mr. Laxman Gnawali’s laptop and I copied it right away, I don’t know but I liked that line very much. The quote was written on the wall of some park the place was really clean and that picture showed that it was really nice clean with lots of trees. After searching it in the internet I found it that it was the attribute to those who lost their lives in the war. We were talking about the teaching training session. We were told that we can achieve the next level in our career but we need to concentrate and do the session delivery seriously. There the quote was quite related because we had the freedom to be a teacher trainer but we have to be more responsible and develop certain habit, there with the freedom comes the responsibility. Looking at the history of freedom one can always see war as the synonyma for the freedom. The first thing that comes in our mind when we talk about freedom is war and quarrels. This phrase is mostly used by the people to show gratitude towards those who have lost their life in wars. There are so many articles and books written on them or about them. Shiv Khera have written a book â€Å"freedom is not Free† and there are mny other people who have talked about it and this is the phrase I think will be talked in coming future or as long as the existence of the human beings. Freedoms are rights of individuals, according to Webster its a state in which somebody is able to act and live as he or she chooses, without being subject to any, or to any undue, restraints and restrictions. As our country is democratic country and we proudly say that we are free, we have every freedom to do whatever we like to but in the beginning we fought for our freedom, can we still be fighting. In the beginning we fought for our freedom, with the birtishers, we fought with them not for the freedom but to keep our country free. We fought for the democracy from the Rana rulers and then we fought for the cruel royal rule and we achieve the freedom but the question remains that we have been fighting within ourselves. Now we have the ability to exercise free will and make choices independently of any external determining force, but are we truly free. I think we are still fighting within ourselves for the freedom we dream of. History has been our eyewitness that whenever we fought we fought to rule and not for the development or growth and we are still doing that. First we had MAHISHPAL than came GOPALA DYNESTYR and KIRAT after that many other than the most influential SHAH now we have politicians ruling still to rule not to develop. If I talk about the freedom realting with our history than it will never finish. Historians believe were not free, but on the other hand I just say we have our rights and restrains. Because completely unrestricted freedom of action would make peaceful human existence impossible, some restraints on freedom of action are necessary and inevitable. But, we do have to recognize that basic limitation, to make our life safe. We the people have to turn over some of our rights so that our country performs right and many say that the government is in our business but if they werent all chaos would occur. But, Freedom becomes a cost, a cost of just giving up some rights in return to be a great nation. But, some cost could become a concern. In the declaration of independence, Thomas Jefferson have clearly stated the difficulties and problems that America has to face on the process. The very recent and clear example abo;ut freedom is not free is our own country’s fight against the maost. We faced difficulties than one can imagine but ultimately we overcame with all the difficulties we faced. In the process of freedom government has to include all the armies of moist as well. There comes the pay for freedom. We had to go through traumas which many of the nation have been through but that trauma was from our own people to their own family. India, the biggest country with large population, which is emerging ijn every field in this modern time, have faced problems. They were colonized by British people and treated in the most cruel behave that one could ever treat to another human being in their own country but they fought for their freedom and have lost so many lives but at last they are free. The payment that they paid for the freedom are the lives, the great politicians and enthusiastic youths, there county were divided into parts and there is still fight among those country. Though they got the freedom they are still paying for it, that is why freedom is not free. America the land of opportunity, was not free and with the help of many freedom fighters they declare the independence. Instead of freedom they call it independent, as everyone knows in America most of the people are from different countries, the native people, the red Indians have actually lost their identity in order to be independent or free. the country have faced so many difficulties and still facing but it is the free country everyone says and believed that but they have the most criminal records and most frustration within their country. The fragmented society, self-centered individual, loss of culture and focus point of terrorism are the payment USA is paying with. Every country have their own struggle and history of freedom and the kinds pf payment they are paying as the freedom is not free. All the great people in this world has paid one or the other way for the freedom they fought for. Countries have faced the war and loss of the youngsters but the individual who are the great influential for that event lost their family ,loved once, and their own life as well. Hitler’s life story also suggest that freedom is not free.he hated zuse and to free himself from them he committed the crime which no human can forget and he is the most cruel person in this world. He could not face the failure and to make himself free from the thought of failure he continued doing the things which kept him free from that thought and the payment for the freedom of his thought is being cruel and called murderer and be alone in all his life. However his murder is still have no actual evidence but he was killed because he was becoming cruel and threat for many people so in the quest of freedom to free the abuse and feeling of failure he paid it with his life. Mahatma Gandhi, India call him their BAPU, was hated by his son because he had no time to spend with the family as he was in great mission to free his country from the Birtish. He freed his fellow country but the payment was his own children, he was killed by the very young person as people saw that his generosity is causing the country into many countries. He was free from all the material things and loved by all the people but to gain this freedom to loved by everyone with his life. The four martyrs, who was killed by rana rulers for their freedom speech also shows that whatever our country have got is not free. in whatever way we are enjoying or complaining about is actually the payment that those martyrs paid. They were from well known and educated family but in the quest to free the country from the ranas they paid their life and we got freedom. Being anyone as human is not free from all the responsibilities and rules that we need to follow. As a baby you are free to cry over anything but the payment is most of the time people don’t understand what your problem is. As a student you are allowed to make noise or make wrong choice but the payment is later on you have to fail in your exam and in your life. As a social worker you have the freedom to help others and take their pain as your own and the payment you have to pay is your time, for you and for your family, as an engineer, your freedom is to use any model but the payment is you have to be responsible for the lives of the people who will stay there, as writer you are free to write anything but the payment is no one will write about you, as the teacher you have the freedom to conduct your classroom as you wanted but the payment is you have to be the model all the time, you cannot make any mistake if you do you have to deal with all the consequences that might occur or the payment is your time and effort. When you see some advertisement on television about the free scheme, we always need to buy something with it because nothing is free, not even the water, the air. Freedom is actually the metaphor for all the responsibilities that comes with freedom. When one becomes the minister or join the politics, like in our country everyone blames them to be the negative one, you are free to be the politician but the payment is you won’t be trusted. When I first started to teach I don’t have any freedom to chose what I do in the classroom, so I was just following whatever the teacher told me to do and there no one expected anything from me so I was free from the responsibility and the payment I was paying is getting the low pay. As I developed the teaching learning skill and given the full responsibility of the class, I had the freedom to do any kind of things in the classroom and make it my own and include everything I have learnt but the payment is time and the continuous work load and no self time. Likewise with the PGDE course we had the freedom to garnish ourselves and the payment is all the criteria that was set for us to be what we were trained to be. FREEDOM IS NOT FREE, even the quote is controversial because when freedom is not free than why would one use these words and if it is used why it is mostly related with the people who have done so much for the betterment of the human being?

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Free Essays - Alienation in Landscape for a Good Woman :: Landscape for a Good Woman Essays

Alienation in Landscape for a Good Woman In her introduction to Landscape for a Good Woman, Carolyn Steedman claims that "this is a drama of class" (22); she blames her mother's working-class background -- where "fierce resentment against the unfairness of things, was carried through seventy years and three generations ... [and] dissolved into the figure of [her] mother" (30) -- for her own joyless childhood. The shocking portrait of Steedman's mother, who tells her children repeatedly both in her actions and words how unwanted they are, redefines the culturally normative nurturing role of motherhood. While Steedman's passionate argument -- that her mother's history of material inequality was responsible for the creation of this monster-martyr-mother -- must not be discounted, it is incomplete. Her claim is convincing; however, her mother's poor decisions were also contributory causes. For example, Edna selected a married man who already had a daughter as the prince who would fulfill her desires for property, material goods and status which seems risky at best. However, her desperate, failed attempt to become his wife through motherhood after ten years of cohabitation is striking for both its evident lack of foresight and blindness to reality. It is difficult to imagine that her fantasy whereby life would somehow improve from this decision ever had the chance to be anything but a recipe for failure, especially since she pinned her hopes on this ploy not once,but twice. Perhaps Steedman wishes to imply that her mother's working-class status is responsible for her poor decision making skills. She certainly wants to convince us that her mother's desire for things is not trivial; and she blames her "mother's sense of unfairness, her belief that she had been refused entry to her rightful place in the world" (112), on her working-class status. While this is certainly a key factor in the disturbing tale, it is not the only factor; therefore, the story is more than a drama of class, for this complex portrait of Steedman's mother is that of a vain, mean-spirited, bitter woman whose priorities were in disorder. The fact that Steedman's mother's working-class relatives did not visit this "illegitimate" family indicates that her lack of a marriage certificate was unacceptable within her own class as well.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Applications of Biometrics in Cloud Security

CHAPTER ONE 1. 1 INTRODUCTION The success of modern day technologies highly depends on its effectiveness of the world’s norms, its ease of use by end users and most importantly its degree of information security and control. Cloud computing is a style of computing in which dynamically scalable and often virtualized resources are provided as a service over the Internet. Users need not have knowledge of, expertise in, or control over the technology infrastructure ‘in the cloud’ that supports them [15, 16].Authentication, thus, becomes pretty important for cloud security. Biometric is the most secure and convenient authentication tool. It cannot be borrowed, stolen, or forgotten and forging one is practically impossible. The term comes from the Greek words bios (life) and metrikos (measure). To make a personal recognition, biometrics relies on who you are or what you do—as opposed to what you know. OBJECTIVES 1 To know and understand the meaning of biometric, its uses, the characteristics and also its advantages and challenges. To know and understand the full meaning of cloud computing its type and its service providers 3 To explain the about cloud security and its shortfalls 4 To know how biometric technology can be applied to enhance security in cloud computing CHAPTER TWO 2. 0 BIOMETRICS The word â€Å"biometrics† comes from the Greek language and is derived from the words bio (life) and metric (to measure). Biometrics (or biometric authentication) refers to the identification of humans by their characteristics or traits.Computer science, biometrics to be specific, is used as a form of identification [1]. Biometrics is automated methods of recognizing a person based on a physiological or behavioural characteristic [2]. Biometrics offers new perspectives in high-security applications while supporting natural, user-friendly and fast authentication. Biometric technology uses these characteristics to identify individuals automatica lly1. Ideally the characteristic should be universally present, unique to the individual, stable over time and easily measurable [5]. 2. Biometric systems A biometric system provides an automated method of recognizing an individual based on the individual's biometric. A biometric is a measurement of a biological characteristic such as fingerprint, iris pattern, retina image, face or hand geometry; or a behavioural characteristic such as voice, gait or signature. Behavioural biometrics are related to the behaviour of a Person, including but not limited to: typing rhythm, gait, and voice. Some researchers have coined the term behaviourmetrics to describe the behaviour class of biometrics [1].A biometric system is essentially a pattern-recognition system that recognizes a person based on a feature vector derived from a specific physiological or behavioural characteristic that the person possesses [3]. Biometric systems can be used in two different modes. Identity verification occurs wh en the user claims to be already enrolled in the system (presents an ID card or login name); in this case the biometric data obtained from the user is compared to the user’s data already stored in the database Identification (also called search) occurs when the identity of the user is a priori unknown.In this case the user’s biometric data is matched against all the records in the database as the user can be anywhere in the database or he/she actually does not have to be there at all [4]. The combination of biometric data systems and biometrics recognition/ identification technologies creates the biometric security systems. 2. 2 Biometric Authentication Authentication on the other hand, is a process where a known person's live biometric is compared to a stored template of that person.For example, an individual’s identity is revealed to the biometric system upon entering a PIN (Personal Identification Number). To authenticate that this is the person associated wi th this PIN, a live biometric is presented by the individual and compared to the template and a match is determined. This is known as a ‘one to one’ search. It is more accurate than the ‘one to many’ application and is the predominant biometric process in place today and the more privacy friendly of the two systems.This answers the question – Are you who you say you are? Two general uses of biometrics are identification and verification which both require the existence of reference data that the person’s measured traits will be compared with reference templates or raw data. During these processes, a biometric data sample is compared against the respective biometric data of every person enrolled in the database or against a single reference template of a particular enrolled individual in order to confirm the identity of that person respectively.When a biometric system correctly identifies a person, then the result of the identification process is a true positive, whereas if the system correctly rejects a person as not matching the respective enrolled template, the result is a true negative. Similarly, when the system incorrectly identifies or rejects a person then we speak about a false positive or a false negative. Fig 2. 1 Components of a Biometric Authentication System[31] 2. 3 BIOMETRIC SECURITY SYSTEM The biometric security system is a lock and capture mechanism to control access to specific data.In order to access the biometric security system, an individual will need to provide their unique characteristics or traits which will be matched to a database in the system. If there is a match, the locking system will provide access to the data for the user. The locking and capturing system will activate and record information of users who accessed the data. The relationship between the biometric and biometric security system is also known as the lock and key system. The biometrics security system is the lock and biometric s is the key to open that lock [11]. 2. 4 CRITERIA FOR BIOMETRIC SYSTEM[12]There are seven basic criteria for biometric security system: [12] * Uniqueness: uniqueness is considered as the priority one requirement for biometric data. It will indicate how differently and uniquely the biometric system will be able to recognize each user among groups of users . For instance, the DNA of each person is unique and it is impossible to replicate. * Universality: Universality is a criterion for the biometric security that indicates requirements for unique characteristics of each person in the world, which cannot be replicated. For example, retinal and iris are characteristics will satisfy this requirement. Permanence: permanence parameter is required for every single characteristic or trait which is recorded in the database of the system and needs to be constant for a certain period of time period. This parameter will mostly be affected by the age of the user * Collectability: The collectabil ity parameter requires the collection of each characteristic and trait by the system in order to verify their identification * Performance: performance outlines how well the security system works. The accuracy and robustness are main factors for the biometric security system.These factors will decide the performance of the biometric security system * Acceptability: The acceptability parameter will choose fields in which biometric technologies are acceptable. * Circumvention: circumvention will decide how easily each characteristic and trait provided by the user can lead to failure during the verification process. DNA is believed to be the most difficult characteristic leading to the failure of the verification process [13]. Figure 2. 2 Basic Criteria for Biometrics Security System [26] 2. 5 TYPES OF BIOMETRIC systems Two classes of biometric methods are: 1) Physical Biometrics:Physiological biometrics is based on measurements and data derived from direct measurement of a part of the human body. * Fingerprint: Fingerprint recognition is one of the best known and most widely used Biometric technologies. Fingerprint recognition technology extracts features from impressions made by the distinct ridges on the fingertips. * Iris-scan: Iris recognition technology is based on the distinctly coloured ring surrounding the pupil of the eye. Iris recognition systems use a small, high-quality camera to capture a black and white, high-resolution image of the iris. Retina-scan: Retina recognition technology captures and analyses the patterns of blood vessels on the thin nerve on the back of the eyeball that processes light entering through the pupil. * Hand geometry: Hand geometry technology takes 96 measurements of the hand, including the width, height, and length of the fingers; distances between joints; and shape of the knuckles. * Facial recognition : Facial recognition technology identifies people by analysing features of the face not easily altered—the upper out lines of the eye sockets, the areas around the cheekbones, and the sides of the mouth..Facial recognition can be used in both verification and identification systems. 2) Behavioural characteristics are based on an action taken by a person. Behavioural biometrics, in turn, are based on measurements and data derived from an action, and indirectly measure characteristics of the human body * Voice recognition: Voice authentication is unique and non-intrusive method and also the hardware requirements required for this type of authentication are cheap and are available readily. Microphones can be used for this purpose.However the back ground noise must be controlled, high storage is required for this kind of authentication. This type of authentication can also be extraneously influenced by once sore throat and cold. [7] * Keystroke-scan: Keystroke dynamics is a biometric based on the assumption that different people type in uniquely characteristic manners. Observation of telegraph operato rs in the 19th century revealed personally distinctive patterns when keying messages over telegraph lines, and telegraph operators could recognize each other based on only their keying dynamics [22].Keystroke dynamics is known with a few different names: keyboard dynamics, keystroke analysis, typing biometrics and typing rhythms [22]. Currently users begin information to computer systems via physical keyboards or keyboards on touch screens. The main advantage of using keystroke dynamics is that it can be used without any additional hardware. Thus it is inexpensive. The user acceptance of a keystroke dynamics biometric system is very high, since it is not intrusive and users do not necessarily even notice that such a system is used [22, 27]. Signature Recognition: Signature recognition authenticates identity by measuring handwritten signatures. The signature is treated as a series of movements that contain unique biometric data, such as personal rhythm, acceleration, and pressure flo w. In a signature recognition system, a person signs his or her name on a digitized graphics tablet or personal digital assistant. The technology can also track each person’s natural signature fluctuations over time. The signature dynamics information is encrypted and compressed into a template.One of the defining characteristics of a behavioural biometric is the incorporation of time as a metric – the measured behaviour has a beginning, middle and end [6]. A number of biometric methods have been introduced over the years, but few have gained wide acceptance. 2. 6 PERFORMANCE OF BIOMETRICS SYSTEMS The following are used as performance metrics for biometric systems [8]. * False Accept Rate FAR and False Reject Rate FRR: The FAR gives a measure of the probability that an individual will be ‘falsely accepted’ by the system (i. . that the system accepts someone who is not enrolled on the system, or makes an incorrect identification). The FRR indicates how like ly it is that a legitimate user will be rejected. The balance between the FAR and the FRR greatly influences both the security and usability of the system. The False Rejection Rate (FRR) is usually caused by lighting, climate conditions, low quality equipment or inexperience. The False Acceptance Rate (FAR) is caused by the security standard being too low [9]. False Match Rate FMR and False NonMatch Rate FNMR: A false match occurs when a system incorrectly matches an identity, In verification and positive identification systems, unauthorized people can be granted access to facilities or resources as the result of incorrect matches. That occurs when a subsequent reading does not properly match the enrolled biometric relating to that individual, something that results in Denial of Access to services. * The Crossover Error Rate (CER): The Crossover Error Rate (CER) is defined as the error rate of the system when the FAR and FRR are equal.Usually expressed as a percentage, the CER can b e used to compare the performance of different biometric systems. * False enrol rate: This occurs when a person’s biometric is either unrecognizable, or when it is not of a sufficiently high standard for the machine to make a judgment, something that does not allow the user to enrol in the system in the first place. The fingerprints of people who work extensively at manual labour are often too worn to be captured. A high percentage of people are unable to enrol in retina recognition systems because of the precision such systems require.People who are mute cannot use voice systems, and people lacking fingers or hands from congenital disease, surgery, or injury cannot use fingerprint or hand geometry systems [10]. Applications of biometrics 2. 7ADVANTAGES OF BIOMETRIC SECURITY [14] 1. The first advantage of using this new technology is the uniqueness and it is also the main characteristic which allows biometrics technology to become more and more important in our lives. With un iqueness of biometrics technology, each individual's identification will be single most effective identification for that user.A chance of two users having the same identification in the biometrics security technology system is nearly zero. 2. Secondly, the highly secure way of identifying users makes this technology less prone for users to share access to highly sensitive data. For example, users can share their fingerprints, iris and so forth allowing other users access to secure information. Each trait used during identification is a single property of that user. In other words, it is extremely hard or impossible to make duplicate or share biometrics accessing data with other users.This makes it ever more secure allowing user information and data to be kept highly secure from unauthorized users. 3. This identification of users though biometrics cannot be lost, stolen or forgotten. This aspect of biometrics technology allows it to become more popular in its use. This method of ide ntifying and giving access to user makes user identification a lot easier. Finally, most biometrics security systems are easy to install and it requires small amount of funding for equipment (except modern biometrics technology such as: DNA/retinal/iris recognition). . 8 CHALLENGES AND ISSUES Nothing is 100% secure, not even biometrics. Nevertheless, biometrics does provide the means to present security credentials that are unique. Unlike other systems that may rely on passwords or tokens that can be vulnerable to loss or exploitation, no one is going enter your live biometric as a means of impersonation Just as a firewall does not constitute a network security solution but rather a component of a defensive strategy, biometrics could be viewed in the same manner.It is not enough to assume absolute verification with biometrics alone but rather as part of a well designed security implementation that considers strong two factor authentication. The second major threat is concerned with modification of the components of the authentication system. The capture device could be modified to output a different image to the one captured. Alternatively, it could be modified to create a denial-of-service (DoS) that will prevent legitimate users accessing the system (by smashing a camera, for example). The processes of emplate generation or template matching could be subverted to produce erroneous results; for example, a piece of malicious code could interfere with the template generation software to produce the attacker’s template rather than that of the legitimate user, or the matching process could be modified to produce an artificially high or low matching score. CHAPTER THREE 3. 1 CLOUD COMPUTING Cloud computing is a means of accessing computer facilities via the Internet, where the adjective â€Å"cloud† reflects the diagrammatic use of a cloud as a metaphor for the Internet.Most of us have been using cloud-computing facilities in one form or another for years through ordinary email and the World Wide Web. Recently, the term has come to reflect the use of software and the running of computer applications via the Internet where the computer infrastructure and software are not â€Å"on premises. † Cloud computing, as a form of service provisioning, has given rise to several related concepts, such as mesh computing, cloud platforms, and software plus service. Cloud Computing is a new computing model that distributes the computing missions on a resource pool that includes a large amount of computing resources.In a survey undertaken by the International Data Corporation (IDC) group between 2008 and 2009, the majority of results point to employing Cloud computing as a low-cost viable option to users [17] developers or research projects and even e-commerce entrepreneurs. Using Cloud computing can help in keeping one’s IT budget to a bare minimum. It is also ideally suited for development and testing scenarios. It is the easie st solution to test potential proof of concepts without investing too much capital.Using cloud computing service, users can store their critical data in servers and can access their data anywhere they can with the Internet and do not need to worry about system breakdown or disk faults, etc. Also, different users in one system can share their information and work, as well as play games together. Many important companies such as Amazon, Google, IBM, Microsoft, and Yahoo are the forerunners that provide cloud computing services. Recently more and more companies such as SalesForce, Facebook, YouTube, MySpace etc. also begin to provide all kinds of cloud computing services for Internet users . 2 TYPES OF CLOUDS [18] In providing a secure Cloud computing solution, a major decision is to decide on the type of cloud to be implemented. Currently there are three types of cloud deployment models offered, namely, a public, private and hybrid cloud. A. Public Cloud A public cloud is a model whic h allows users’ access to the cloud via interfaces using mainstream web browsers. It’s typically based on a pay-per-use model, similar to a prepaid electricity metering system which is flexible enough to cater for spikes in demand for cloud optimisation.This helps cloud clients to better match their IT expenditure at an operational level by decreasing its capital expenditure on IT infrastructure [19]. Public clouds are less secure than the other cloud models because it places an additional burden of ensuring all applications and data accessed on the public cloud are not subjected to malicious attacks. Therefore trust and privacy concerns are rife when dealing with Public clouds with the Cloud SLA at its core. B. Private Cloud A private cloud is set up within an organisation’s internal enterprise datacenter.It is easier to align with security, compliance, and regulatory requirements, and provides more enterprise control over deployment and use. In the private clo ud, scalable resources and virtual applications provided by the cloud vendor are pooled together and available for cloud users to share and use. It differs from the public cloud in that all the cloud resources and applications are managed by the organisation itself, similar to Intranet functionality. Utilisation on the private cloud can be much more secure than that of the public cloud because of its specified internal exposure.Only the organisation and designated stakeholders may have access to operate on a specific Private cloud [20]. C. Hybrid Cloud A hybrid cloud is a private cloud linked to one or more external cloud services, centrally managed, provisioned as a single unit, and circumscribed by a secure network [20]. It provides virtual IT solutions through a mix of both public and private clouds. Hybrid Clouds provide more secure control of the data and applications and allows various parties to access information over the Internet. It also has an open architecture that allow s interfaces with other management systems. . 3 CLOUD COMPUTING DELIVERY MODELS [18] The architecture of Cloud computing can be categorised according to the three types of delivery models, namely Infrastructure as a service (IaaS), Software as a service (SaaS) and Platform as a service (PaaS). A. Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) Infrastructure as a Service is a single tenant cloud layer where the Cloud computing vendor’s dedicated resources are only shared with contracted clients at a pay-per-use fee. This greatly minimizes the need for huge initial investment in computing hardware such as servers, networking devices and processing power.They also allow varying degrees of financial and functional flexibility not found in internal data centers or with co-location services, because computing resources can be added or released much more quickly and cost-effectively than in an internal data center or with a colocation service [21]. B. Software as a Service (SaaS) Software as a Service also operates on the virtualised and pay-per-use costing model whereby software applications are leased out to contracted organisations by specialised SaaS vendors. This is traditionally accessed remotely using a web browser via the Internet.Software as a service applications are accessed using web browsers over the Internet therefore web browser security is vitally important. Information security officers will need to consider various methods of securing SaaS applications. Web Services (WS) security, Extendable Markup Language (XML) encryption, Secure Socket Layer (SSL) and available options which are used in enforcing data protection transmitted over the Internet. C. Platform as a Service (PaaS) Platform as a service cloud layer works like IaaS but it provides an additional level of â€Å"rented† functionality.Clients using PaaS services transfer even more costs from capital investment to operational expenses but must acknowledge the additional constraints and possi bly some degree of lock-in posed by the additional functionality layers [20] . The use of virtual machines act as a catalyst in the PaaS layer in Cloud computing. Virtual machines must be protected against malicious attacks such as cloud malware. Therefore maintaining the integrity of applications and well enforcing accurate authentication checks during the transfer of data across the entire networking channels is fundamental.Figure 3. 1 CLOUD COMPUTING MAP [18] 3. 4 CLOUD SECURITY Cloud computing have many advantages in cost reduction, resource sharing and time saving for new service deployment. While in a cloud computing system, most data and software that users use reside on the Internet, which bring some new challenges for the system, especially security and privacy. Since each application may use resource from multiple servers. The servers are potentially based at multiple locations and the services provided by the cloud may use different infrastructures across organizations.Al l these characteristics of cloud computing make it complicated to provide security in cloud computing. To ensure adequate security in cloud computing, various security issues, such as authentication, data confidentiality and integrity, and non-repudiation, all need to be taken into account. The biggest challenge in implementing successful Cloud computing technologies is managing the security. As with any new technology enhancements, criticisms are driven by fear of unknown variables and changes to current control procedures. How can cloud stakeholders ensure and promote the security of Cloud computing?In the Cloud Computing Services Survey conducted during August 08/09 by IDC IT group [17], users were asked to rate their issues and challenges experienced with Cloud computing. The results illustrate that security is the biggest concern. Security is the main issue users are concerned with when considering Cloud computing solutions. CHAPTER FOUR 4. 1 APPLICATION OF BIOMETRICS IN CLOUD SECURITY One of the Security risks in cloud computing according to Garfunkel [23] is hacked passwords or data intrusion. If someone hacks a password they get control over the resources.They can manipulate the information or disable the services. Furthermore, there is a possibility for the user’s email (Amazon user name) to be hacked (see [24] for a discussion of the potential risks of email), and since Amazon allows a lost password to be reset by email, the hacker may still be able to log in to the account after receiving the new reset password [25]. As an excellent storage scheme for tenants’ big data, cloud computing has been a hot issue for a lot of consumers, generally, tenants’ different data should be processed by different security modes.Biometric authentication has the advantage of exclusive for tenant in data access. When any registered cloud tenant , want to access the data stored in cloud, first, he must pass the cloud system check such as cloud_sys_c hecker A Hybrid biometric method can be developed by fusing finger prints and voice biometric methods. The fused value can be used as signal sign on for multiple resources provided by cloud. This encrypted data is used for authentication 4. 2BIOMETRIC AUTHENTICATION SYSTEM AS A CLOUD SERVICE:The authentication service provider maintains the biometric data base . The data has to be stored in encrypted format using cryptography on biometric for the security reasons 4. 2. 1ARCHITECTURE BIOMETRICS AUTHENTICATION SYSTEM A secure data access scheme based on identity-based Encryption and biometric authentication for cloud communication Cloud Services1 CS1 Cloud Services1 CS3 Cloud Services1 CS2 Biometric Authentication Service Org1 User1 User2 †¦ Org2 User1 User2 Fig4. 1: Biometric Authenticating System in cloud [30].The user initially enrols with the biometric system which is provided by a cloud, once the identity is registered his/her biometric authentication details are stored in c loud service provider database. The authorization details are also entered at the registration time which is also encrypted. Whenever the user wants to use any cloud service user first uses the biometric authentication service rather than a traditional password mechanism. Once authenticated, the user is redirected to the actual cloud service for which he is authorized to use. 4. 3 A PROPOSED METHOD [29] Step1: Setup cloud side parameters . Initialization On the cloud service side, given a security parameter 2. Key generation When tenants are registered in cloud computing providers, each tenant will obtain a unique identity to identify him or her. The phase generates private key corresponding to given registered ID of every tenant in cloud computing. Step2: Generate tenant’s biometric template Cloud computing is a pervasive service environment for tenants, different tenants have different security requirement. To these tenants who have special security concern on data can gene rate their biometric template and be stored in cloud database.Biometric authentication must be needed when someone wants to access the data. Step3: Encrypt cloud data Input: cloud data (which is created by cloud tenants and stored in the database of cloud platform), a private key (the cloud service providers), and an ID (the cloud tenant who want to access the data); output: encrypted cloud data. Step4: Biometric authentication As an excellent storage scheme for tenants’ big data, cloud computing has been a hot issue for a lot of consumers, generally, tenants’ different data should be processed by different security modes.Biometric authentication has the advantage of exclusive for tenant in data access. Step4: Biometric authentication As an excellent storage scheme for tenants’ big data, cloud computing has been a hot issue for a lot of consumers, generally, tenants’ different data should be processed by different security modes. Biometric authentication has the advantage of exclusive for tenant in data access. When any registered cloud tenant say, p, want to access the data stored in cloud, first, he must pass the cloud system check such as cloud_sys_checker.Then, cloud tenants use registered identity ID to create their biometric template and all of the created templates are stored in cloud_sys_database. In cloud data access, cloud tenant p must pass the biometric authentication performed by biometric matcher in cloud computing. Step5: Decrypt cloud data Input: encrypted cloud data ciphertext (which is generated in Step3), an ID (the cloud service provider’s), a private key (the cloud tenant who want to access the data), and output: the corresponding plaintext i. e. cloud data. CHAPTER FIVE 5. 1 SUMMARYIn summary, as Biometrics allow for increased security, convenience we can say that fused biometric authentication system will be novel solution for authenticating users on cloud computing ,which can be provided as service on cloud . By following guiding principles discussed in this paper, a great deal of insecurities may be easily expelled, saving business owners’ valuable time and investment. Cloud computing has the potential to become a frontrunner in promoting a secure, virtual and economically viable IT solution. Future work and progress lies in standardising Cloud computing security protocols 5. CONCLUSION . Authentication is necessary in Cloud Computing. In order to seek a secure data access method for cloud tenants, a proposed method presented a secure data access mechanism based on identity-based encryption and biometric authentication in this paper, the mechanism set double protection for confidential data of cloud tenants, encryption will make the tenants data secure against the peekers and biometric authentication will eliminate the maloperations over tenants data by root administrator in cloud service. The security of data is maintained even though the same application is shared by mu ltitenant.To ensure the correctness of users’ data in cloud data storage, an effective and flexible biometric is proposed. i believe that data storage security in Cloud Computing, an area full of challenges and of paramount importance, is still in its infancy now, and many research problems are yet to be identified. This proposed method can be implemented with more security by using strong biometric m easures like eye. REFERENCES [1] http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Biometrics [2] J. L. Wayman, â€Å"Fundamentals of Biometric Authentication Xhtp:/ww. engr. sisu. edu/biometrics/nbtcw. p 4] http://www. fi. muni. cz/reports/files/older/FIMU-RS-2000-08. pdf [6] http://www. indexbiometrics. com/physiological_or_behavioral. htm [7] http://ntrg. cs. tcd. ie [8] Cernet. â€Å"CHARACTERISTICS OF BIOMETRIC SYSTEMS†. [online] available: http://www. ccert. edu. cn/education/cissp/hism/039-041. html. 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